Restore Windows Update for Windows XP / Server 2003

Discussion in 'Windows XP / Older OS' started by daniel_k, Oct 21, 2020.

  1. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
  2. ccypruss000

    ccypruss000 MDL Senior Member

    Oct 20, 2017
  3. ccypruss000

    ccypruss000 MDL Senior Member

    Oct 20, 2017
    Aren't the registrations for the windows updates that are in the Greek version over? according to your picture above here should have been where the price change took place.

    VirtualBox_Windows 2000 Pro SP4 Greekk_29_01_2021_10_34_04.png
  4. alvaro_ag

    alvaro_ag MDL Novice

    Oct 30, 2007
    You must create the folders (called keys) in the registry and within them the values. It seems to me that inside the WSUS Proxy folder there are some files to integrate these values to the system registry, edit the one with the IP with that of your machine running the proxy.
  5. oiheythere

    oiheythere MDL Novice

    Dec 6, 2020
  6. Game4rode

    Game4rode MDL Novice

    Nov 25, 2020
    If your WUMT is looking for updates infinitely. Here is some solution:

    solution 1

    1. Cancel the update search
    2. Activate "include superseded"
    3. Launch a new search

    If nothing changes, here is solution 2

    solution 2

    1. Open your "WSUS_Proxy_XP" file
    2.Execute "Remove_wsus" (Wait until the program asks you to close, before you can close it)
    3. Restart the computer or VM
    4. Re-open your "WSUS_Proxy_XP" file
    5. Execute "Add_wsus" (Wait until the program asks you to close, before you can close it).
    6.Do the usual manipulation (leave "run_wsus" running)
    7. Run WUMT and search for updates (You can also apply solution 1)

    Normally this will find updates.

    (The update search can take more than 20 min even if there is no activity on the computer or proxy).
  7. plangg

    plangg MDL Junior Member

    Jun 30, 2015
    Where is the german language file?
  8. Game4rode

    Game4rode MDL Novice

    Nov 25, 2020
    On a physical machine it's more complicated
  9. OSMAN

    OSMAN MDL Addicted

    Oct 25, 2009
    how to get posready 2009 updates on this?
  10. selflearner

    selflearner MDL Novice

    Aug 13, 2017
    In PosReady 2009 and the default IE7 updates from WU are detected and installed correctly
  11. antonio8909

    antonio8909 MDL Guru

    Feb 16, 2014
    I'd run WUMT at Windows 2000 after following @alvaro_ag instructions and it was impossible for me to find updates. I'll keep looking into it.
  12. ward201185

    ward201185 MDL Member

    Sep 7, 2019
    #99 ward201185, Mar 30, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2021
    i just wish some day that windows updates would work just like it did, i already miss it.

    i've already tried fiddler and got the exact same problem as @go44948 had, i kept ahving the time and date problem with update certificate.
    maybe someone should make it as a php server similar to what we have now that then translates to a normal website so that ie can understand? with tls 1.0 as a local ip or when going to windows update in ie, it stops ie from connecting to the website normally and it force redirects to the proxy instead, connecting through windows update through the local ip made by the php server.

    i dont have experience or knowledge in this, so i may look dumb when im saying stuff like this but i just hope we get the traditional windows updates working in ie instead of the windows updates minitool.
    windows updates minitool works just fine but it cna get kinda buggy under xp but i just prefer the ie windows updates, it just feels better and it was designed that way for windows xp.

    windows update minitool is also so disorganized that sometimes i accidentally install optional updates, service packs that i dont want, and other stuff without being aware of it when i select "selected by windows update".

    you cant order updates by category it seems as that is broken and it will just show a box next to the words as if its missing a language pack or unicode files.

    oh, and i forgot to mention.
    when you select updates manually, last time i tried, it doesnt install and download the updates by date.
    it starts downloading and installing them by random.

    for example, i download an update which is from 2008, and another update which is from 2009, and then another update from 2014.
    if those become selected by windows update then it'll install them in order by date.
    but if i select them manually, it'll start downloading each by random without order.
    its like this.
    it installs the 2014, then 2008 then 2009 which is supposed to be 2008, then 2009, THEN 2014.
    this might not seem like a problem but maybe thats not how updates are supposed to be installed and it may cause problems.
    maybe the same thing would've happened in the normal windows updates by ie but who knows.
  13. ward201185

    ward201185 MDL Member

    Sep 7, 2019
    #100 ward201185, Apr 4, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2021