I get "the setup controller has encountered a problem during install. Please review log files for further information on the error" When trying to change the product key. I uninstalled the previous version that was cracked using Hazaar's .bat file. Does it have anything to do with this error?
I've fixed the error. Basically, it's hazar's office beta 2 crack that leaves some files AFTER you uninstall office which will prevent you from activating it. I've deleted those files ... so if anyone else gets this error, please delete the following registery keys + file, after uninstalling Office : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Registration\ and %programfiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE14\Office Setup Controller\ Then feel free to reinstall it and activate it normally.
Thanx! No "change key" option if you use "an alternative method" of activation [8 -> 7 in Regedit], mind... Any clues re. the expiration of those beta keys, please?
When I installed Office Mobile 2010 beta on my phone it said it would expire April 2010, not sure if it's the same though.
I had to uninstall the previous versions, clean it up with CCleaner, reboot, install anew. Curious: I was given a key by M$ and now I tried activating the Office [in "Tools" -> Anytime upgrade] - it says "wrong key"... Oh, well... Could it have anything to do with regedit hack?
Guys how do i burn the public beta .exe to a CD or DVD? i know either with Nero or Imgburn but can someone tell me how to do it? i know i could just put exe on a USB but want it as iso so i can burn to a disc. please can someone help?
Just burn as is, then start by double clicking on it [.exe], it will be extracted in temporary files until you install it and then use Ccleaner or TuneUp Utils to clean up... Good luck!
No, i am talking about converting it to an iso like the retail 2003 and 2007 versions. How do i create this from the .exe i downloaded?? Do i extract it and then create an iso image from all those files with imgburn, is this correct?