RSA Signed Image

Discussion in 'BIOS Mods' started by netwave, Jan 5, 2012.

  1. manfred23

    manfred23 MDL Novice

    Feb 13, 2013

    I wanna get in contact with you because I have a problem with my rsa protected bios.
    I've downloaded the biostool and saved the file. Also I copied the link to the support of the original biosfile.
    How can I send you both? Sorry for my bad english - I'm from Germany.
    I hopefully waiting for your answer.
  2. LatinMcG

    LatinMcG Bios Borker

    Feb 27, 2011
    who is You ? we have Yen but no user by name of You.
    specify laptop model.. complete model under laptop.
    SP####.exe u want decrypted. ? HP laptop ?
  3. lpb

    lpb MDL Novice

    Feb 22, 2013
    Bios mod request: advanced bios options enabled , wlan whitelist check removed

    Manufacturer : HP
    Model : DV6 6B08eh
    Bios Revision : F.1B
    Bios Link : -*h t t p:// ftp . hp . com / pub / softpaq / sp59501-60000 / sp59754 . exe
    Bios Type: Insyde

    Thanks! :worthy:
  4. cytherian

    cytherian MDL Novice

    Jun 6, 2013
    #164 cytherian, Jun 13, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2013
    So much of my time would have been saved, if I'd come across this posting made by an expert on MDL sooner:

    So in going by this expert advice, in addition to the brief input I've seen from other members, if you have an RSA signed BIOS you can forget about unlocking the BIOS, removing the white list, or any other modification whatsoever. About the only thing you can do is prepare a BIOS recovery.

    It's just unfortunate that others feel it's possible and lead people down the road of futility.

    Serg suggested I talk with camiloml:
    But when I investigated further into what camiloml posted, I found a mash of mixed postings about the modified RSA signed BIOS attempts. Some people had reported success, but then returned later indicating that the BIOS flash did not take (forcing them to remove the CMOS battery every 3 hours); it also suggests that the few other success stories ended up not working either, only they didn't bother to report back.

    Camiloml has said
    "Some of the don't brick" is not well proven, actually. A majority of the posts indicate that it doesn't work, which suggests that those posts saying it does are only reporting on the initial impression, and that some time period later it fails. I seriously don't think there's any merit in providing such dim hope for those who seek to unlock/modify their BIOS.

    Hypothetically speaking, if it's 99.9% impossible to successfully modify and flash an RSA signed BIOS, that means it's 0.1% possible and so the enterprising hacker will tell people it's possible without qualifying it with the odds. The odds make it mostly pointless, in my book. Unless someone can enlighten me otherwise. I'm just thankful that I was able to finally discover this before making a terrible mistake of trying one of those hacks that have been posted.

    Bottom line: If you have an RSA signed BIOS, your odds are not very good. I think anybody implying that there's a possibility worth pursuing it is inadvertently misleading people, even when qualifying it with "there's a risk". No, it's more like it's a very serious risk and so for anyone but the most clever hacker it's simply not worth doing. I wish someone would update the 1st posting in the Insyde BIOS unlocking thread to make this concept clear.

    Anyway, right now I am in talks with HP product management about the white list issue, and I'm actually making some progress. Better to exhaust the diplomatic front before getting encumbered with BIOS flashing risks.
  5. LatinMcG

    LatinMcG Bios Borker

    Feb 27, 2011
    they will tell u its for FCC rules and such.. in reality its to monopolize the wireless sales of overpriced cards.
  6. cytherian

    cytherian MDL Novice

    Jun 6, 2013
    I agree that it's all about maxmimizing their profits, at the expense of the customer. I don't mind a company making a good profit as long as they don't compromise the brand-consumer relationship.

    FCC rules compliance lies with the WiFi card maker with regard to communications. The computer has its own compliance mandates, but are independent of the WiFi cards. As such, it's fairly easy to defeat any argument on their side. What they really want their customers to do is buy WiFi cards from THEM, not other sources. And that is what I was told was my problem. The card I bought is the same model, but slightly different because it doesn't have the HP approved product number inside its firmware. But... in all other respects the cards are the same.

    HP is going to send me the card I had intended to buy, free of charge. No fees, no shipping. Admirable, especially given how my laptop is out of warranty, but... it's a cheap means of just "shutting me up." The card costs them $5 and maybe $3 to ship it. That's a tiny fraction of the costs involved in making a new BIOS release. But while I appreciate their efforts to satisfy me personally, they are not satisfying me for future HP purchases, and I'm definitely going to drive this point home to them. They have to be aware of the building negative perception this white list practice is causing them, with no appreciable financial benefit. In fact, one lost laptop sale because of it requires hundreds of WiFi cards to be sold in order to make up for it. NOT a winning proposition, in my book.
  7. gabiz_ro

    gabiz_ro MDL Member

    Feb 2, 2010
  8. pokerface19

    pokerface19 MDL Novice

    Dec 8, 2013
    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    Take a look on it too please

    I created 2 back up files with the universal backup toolkit2.0

    -F.1C (newest one)

    Please some one help me