The robot R29k(or POOH), forgotten by an alien ship on A51, has hacked into a system in A51, and operating from there since a long time, looking for a way(any shuttle or ship) to escape to its planet which is in an unknown Galaxy.
One day i was walking down the street and suddenly somebody screams (There is this Famous guy from MDL R29K) Look how cute he is
Guys i have heard that there is a hug PC bug in our Computers,watch out please. Now you see that i can Predict the future The 1st JANUARY it came the first time
I see 2012 knocking on the door,the END of the world P.S. If you need my help in PREDICTING the future just Pm me,would be happy to here from you
Canouna and the great heist In news coming out of Redmond popular MDL user Canouna, in a bid to provide unreleased info on Windows 8, was seen running out of Steve Ballmer's office at top speed with Ballmer giving chase. Apparently Canouna had sneaked into the Microsoft CEO's office with fake id and grabbed a new copy of Windows 8 beta and proceeded to nonchalantly walk out the office door. However Ballmer who was just coming off of a coffe break spotted poor Canouna and gave chase. Ballmer being fat and sweaty could not outrun the fleet footed Canouna and proceeded to leave such a sweaty wake that about 8 Microsoft employees we hospitalized for slipping on the sweaty floor. MDL's own roving photographer Spider Vice was able to obtain a photograph of Canouna using his new Windows 8 beta dvd. Canouna could not be reached at press release time for a comment.
I´ve heard canouna has some probs with money canouna you can always talk with your MDL friends if you got problems SCHOCKING MOMENT