I am just testing it now. I am on x64 using a x86 image. reporting no errors. Will have a read around and see what info I can find ????
There is a tool called "GImageX" It is a very nice gui for mounting install.wim and the like. Google it, download it. run it and select your chosen install.wim and see what info it gives you. See if that can mount the image ?
@Microft Can I ask where you got the image you are using from. Is it an original clean image ? What I have read says the image maybe corrupt in some way by another imaging tool ??????????? I have no idea what this really meant or if this is possible. What .iso image are you using ? maybe start over by extracting a new install.wim ?????
Thx for your effort to help me man... i did download gimagex v2 and guess what Code: Mount Path: C:\DISM\mount Image File: C:\DISM\install.wim\install.wim Image Index: 1 Mounted R/W: 0 Opening WIM...please wait... ERROR: Unable to mount image. ERROR: An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.
that's interesting.. I have not tested such an image direst from M.Soft... I think I will have to try. You never know, they might have locked the image some how ??? Would you care to download an iso image from a link on the forums and try again ? Have not got time myself to download from the MCT tonight....Work beckons very very soon...
LOL... I have just set up the MCT to download images from M.Soft. I will test this out for myself tomorrow. It is funny, another forum member has been PMing me about he same stuff your asking. he has never used DISM and so I told him virtually the exact same things I put up here for you. The funny thing is he is getting the very same error as you and he is using the .iso downloaded by MCT. An odd little problem. I wonder if any other members have had this problem. it may not be the image at all.... I have a tendency to give out misinformation, unintentionally of course and I usually get pulled up on it... We'll wait and see
I felt compelled last night to download the .iso images using the MCT. This afternoon I got time to test the install.wim files from both the x86 and x64 images. Both gave me the very same error as you reported and what the other member via PM reported. This is fascinating, how the install.wim seems to be locked ? They may well be another explanation, I feel this may need it's own thread to highlight the problem, where the clever folk can see it who may not be reading this thread.
Im trying to remove this Microsoft.BioEnrollment also called Microsoft-OneCore-Biometrics-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.10240.16384 Microsoft-OneCore-Biometrics-WOW64-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.10240.16384 and I cant...
Hello If I remove all the apps, start menu or other still work? I thought I saw the need to keep at least 1 apps for it to work Thanks
No, the script works. It was an example for @Garbellano as he said he couldn't do it. I was too lazy to cut out the relevant bit but for system apps it is like this - just as you say... Code: $needles = @( "BioEnrollment" "ContactSupport" #"Cortana" # This will disable startmenu search. #"Defender" #"Feedback" "Flash" #"OneDrive" "Xbox" ) foreach ($needle in $needles) { $pkgs = (ls "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\Packages" | where Name -Like "*$needle*") foreach ($pkg in $pkgs) { $pkgname = $pkg.Name.split('\')[-1] Takeown-Registry($pkg.Name) Takeown-Registry($pkg.Name + "\Owners") Set-ItemProperty -Path ("HKLM:" + $pkg.Name.Substring(18)) -Name Visibility -Value 1 New-ItemProperty -Path ("HKLM:" + $pkg.Name.Substring(18)) -Name DefVis -PropertyType DWord -Value 2 Remove-Item -Path ("HKLM:" + $pkg.Name.Substring(18) + "\Owners") dism.exe /Online /Remove-Package /PackageName:$pkgname /NoRestart $appPath="$Env:LOCALAPPDATA\Packages\$pkgname*" Remove-Item $appPath -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction 0 } }