Yasser, I tried opening the script "offline" by blocking the connection request with Comodo and script closes with an "unexpected error".
I fixed it for the next version ... if you can't wait here is how to fix it after line 2379 add these two lines IF "%input%"=="9" (GOTO S9) IF "%input%"=="10" (GOTO S10)
it does not really matter even if you set it to 2 because the script will apply the first command, E.g: IF "%input%"=="1" (Goto S1) .... IF "%input%"=="10" (GOTO S10) IF "%input%"=="11" (Goto S11) if %input% GTR 10 echo. echo Please enter a valid number echo. pause cls GOTO 23 the script will check if Input = 1 then 2 until 11 and if it is 11 you will see the "S11" page and the script do not apply the GTR line because the other command us before it