Yasser, take a look at lines 535 to 550. They look that are never used (they assign image file formats to windows photo viewer). When you add the ability to remove apps, it's a good time to call this function after removing the windows.photo app because, without those reg tweaks, jpegs (for example) will open with mspaint by default. At line 2293 you have a typo. "ssc" instead of "sc" Also lines 1953 to 1959 do the same that 1917 to 1925 And yes, I read all the .bat files before testing them on my pc's, I'm that crazy
But it doesn't really show an option to enable or disable anything as each selection is only prefaced by an asterisk. Maybe I just don't quite understand the given instructions.
Thanks there is a problem in 10. Enable/Disable Windows Defender Wrong Code: IF "%input%"=="10" (GOTO 37) Fixed Code: IF "%input%"=="10" (GOTO 38)
Lol That's GREAT 535>550 : they are used in line 209 2293 : Nice remark 1953>1959 & 1917>1925 : what's Wrong here !
I added the ability to delete all apps and to reinstall them all but this selecting thing is not that easy when i post V2.2 with the code any one who can add the ability to select 3 or 4 apps he can send me a PM
something like this ? Code: :: Hide Command and Set Scope @echo off setlocal EnableExtensions :: Customize Window title My Menu :: Menu Options :: Specify as many as you want, but they must be sequential from 1 with no gaps :: Step 1. List the Application Names set "App[1]=One" set "App[2]=Two" set "App[3]=Three" set "App[4]=Four" set "App[5]=Five" set "App[6]=All Apps" :: Display the Menu set "Message=" :Menu cls echo.%Message% echo. echo. Menu Title echo. set "x=0" :MenuLoop set /a "x+=1" if defined App[%x%] ( call echo %x%. %%App[%x%]%% goto MenuLoop ) echo. :: Prompt User for Choice :Prompt set "Input=" set /p "Input=Select what app:" :: Validate Input [Remove Special Characters] if not defined Input goto Prompt set "Input=%Input:"=%" set "Input=%Input:^=%" set "Input=%Input:<=%" set "Input=%Input:>=%" set "Input=%Input:&=%" set "Input=%Input:|=%" set "Input=%Input:(=%" set "Input=%Input:)=%" :: Equals are not allowed in variable names set "Input=%Input:^==%" call :Validate %Input% :: Process Input call :Process %Input% goto End :Validate set "Next=%2" if not defined App[%1] ( set "Message=Invalid Input: %1" goto Menu ) if defined Next shift & goto Validate goto :eof :Process set "Next=%2" call set "App=%%App[%1]%%" :: Run Installations :: Specify all of the installations for each app. :: Step 2. Match on the application names and perform the installation for each if "%App%" EQU "One" echo Run Install for App One here if "%App%" EQU "Two" echo Run Install for App Two here if "%App%" EQU "Three" echo Run Install for App Three here if "%App%" EQU "Four" echo Run Install for App Four here if "%App%" EQU "Five" echo Run Install for App Five here if "%App%" EQU "All Apps" ( echo Run Install for All Apps here ) :: Prevent the command from being processed twice if listed twice. set "App[%1]=" if defined Next shift & goto Process goto :eof :End endlocal pause >nul
Excellent, gonna try this as soon as I get home. Btw, have you thought about adding the removal of unnecessary scheduled tasks?
When are you going to go through the code and make sure there are no errors? I want to use it but with no errors.
I added the removal of unnecessary services and i think that is enough because when you disable services they can't schedule tasks correct me if am wrong