If you do it this way, and then go into the registry for all of the ones that effect parked cores, will you find the min/max values set to 0? I also found the problem with the Quick Access part. Your tool only does part of what it needs to. It makes it expand on This PC which is fine, but you are missing the ability to remove it. This is done like this: Disable Quick Access – regedit > HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{679f85cb-0220-4080-b29b-5540cc05aab6}\ShellFolder > Right click on “ShellFolder” > Permissions > Add… > Advanced > Find Now > Boxxy > OK > Full Control = Allow > Apply •Change “Attributes from 0xa01000000 to 0xa06000000 If this can get added, that would be golden!
May I ask for a simple request, for asian language users. Because ASCII code problem, table border becomes to wrong code, and it makes hard to read it. (example) i.imgur.com/NYmCQKW.png Could you make some modify ?
I don't think that is gonna happen because there is some options that are not just On or Off and also it's not that easy to do that
I was uploading some files to Dropbox and then i decided to put all the script files in one folder and when i did that all those files direct links was changed so there options didn't work
I am confident that Twitter needs to be included in the default apps that need to be removed. I did not install anything other than updates and there was the app Twitter. I did a fresh install of Windows 10 to verify. I also have this SODA app!
So with this new install of Windows 10 OS, I was finally able to get Netframework 3.5 to install and finally uninstall Edge. However, The icon in the start menu is now blank and I cannot delete it. Also, it left behind two folder in the c drive; EdgeTW and TW.
Not sure exactly what you are trying to ask but all you do is remove the .txt at the end of the name of the file and then right click it and run as admin to execute the application.
This doesn't works. Right way to make ascii works is change Command Prompt work in right code page ( 437 - ENUS ) . But Asian Users Command Prompt Code Page is 950 (ZH-TW, Taiwan) . 936 (ZH-CN, China) . 932 (JA-JP, Japan) and etc. So we use this .bat will shows something wrong. I try to change this code page to 437 but useless. There just change border to simple character, like +----+ , will works.
if you mean my bat file double click will open it as admin or you can otherwise right click > run as admin
I would think you would want to get the store from the enterprise edition and then figure a way to install it via LTSB I'm sure it can be done. You seem to know how. If that is the case it can be made automated.