The ability to manage the computers startup items in all know directories would be a nice feature great tool so far
Any chance that an update will also include the ability to disable Office 2016's bulls**t telemetry as well?
Here one that needs to be added to this program ? Safely Remove Hardware Tray Icon reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\SysTray" /v "Services" /t reg_dword /d 29 /f systray
Hey the old Windows 7 calculator doesn't install properly..does nothing really..even when running as admin.
Just wanted to give a heads up, I was testing things on a VM (Enterprise N LTSB & Enterprise N) and under the option to remove ONEDRIVE (option 4 disable and remove onedrive) this option removes the d3d9.dll from the DriectX software collection, which is responsible to run Skype (and other programs) I went back through, restoring a snapshot ran the program again without using option 4 and Skype loaded with success. I also went back through on another clean snapshot and enabled every option that involved disabling or removing something, except option 4 in the onedrive section and Skype worked properly. My conclusion is that something hosting Onedrive needs to be amended in order to use this option accordingly
.../s/rb0qwjsf9ptgpky/TWV.txt Error (429) This account's links are generating too much traffic and have been temporarily disabled! Is this the reason why it's closing instantly? Offline Mode would be greatly appreciated in my case
Doesn't work for me either, when I run the bat file a window opens for like 1-2 seconds saying its checking for updates, and then it closes/crashes. I disabled my AV and tried running as admin, but same problem occurs..