[Script] Win 10 Toggle Tweaker (V4.0) -Official thread-

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by Yasser Da Silva, Aug 12, 2015.


How helpful is this Windows 10 Tweaker for you !

  1. 10/10 / Very handy (Must have tweaker)

  2. 5/10 / It's good.

  3. 0/10 :( / Not helpful at all

  1. coromonadalix

    coromonadalix MDL Senior Member

    Jul 21, 2009
    #921 coromonadalix, Nov 27, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2016
    Toggle tweaker is very good, my only complaint is : there should be less sub menus, and or just rewrite the titles to Ex: enable/disable "Main Menu" , User Interface "Main Menu" Etc... i'm getting lost in the menus ...

    Im trying to rewrite the batch file to simplify a few things and add some tweaks like : disable the Aero Shake "with" the disable Aero Snap, the OEM section is missing a "blank or wipe all informations", the Disable Quick Access (in my case on redstone 2 Entreprise) need to take ownership of a registry key with SETACL ... tweak toggle is not strong enough in this case ? adding an Open Command Prompt from HERE ...

    Maybe add install wim tweak functions to help in certain case. To efficiently kill and remove Cortana and related services would be my savior :)

    My perfect tweaker would be an mix of:
    Toggle Tweaker
    Windows Tweaker 5.3.1
    added an old batch file of vista junk cleaner found and slightly modded ...

    but im not very good at coding :( i'm trying to follow the changes made with an registry snap shot before and after, but it generate very long lists of the registry, not only the changes made :(
  2. Yasser Da Silva

    Yasser Da Silva MDL Senior Member

    Mar 15, 2015
    #922 Yasser Da Silva, Nov 27, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Need your Feedback !! Am rewriting the code

    I saw a lot of people complaining about this Tweaker is organized and that it's a lot of sub menus
    and i agree with them . it's triple that complexity in the code :p
    the problem here is that it's wasn't this complicated but every update i add something here or there and now i believe by the 20th update or more you can't find stuff unless you know exactly where it is . even if you use search that i added to the program you won't always find the option in the same place and that's because of the way i added it.. it's not automated which it means that every time i change an option i have to change it in the search and other places ...

    i did crazy stuff in batch that every one said to me it was impossible because of the limitations of the language but i did it anyway and it worked perfectly (at least for some time)
    it's a beautiful idea that everyone using the program can see the source code and change to fit his needs or post feedback to make this thing better and of course i want it to stay like that
    so here is what i want to do for one and for all :
    I want to rewrite the code again and test every option and even reorganize them in a way that is easy to find
    I know it will take time :tea: but at the end it will be good
    But I need your feedback and ideas to solve these problems that am having :

    • how to organize so much stuff in as less as possible sub-menus
    if i add a lot of stuff in one page there won't be a scroll bar because i have a limited number of lines and columns
    mode con:cols=87 lines=28
    the first lines will be erased
    • How to make the interface look better without changing the programming language
    • How to make a better search option
    • A site to host my code on it
    Mediafire doesn't like too much traffic coming to one file that's why a lot of times the link stops working

    Any thing that you think would be helpful feel free to post it here.
    waiting for your feedback !!!
  3. banyones

    banyones MDL Novice

    Jun 30, 2014
    @Yasser I do not know if this was previously asked, but can you add a new option, to customize taskbar for those of use who don't want to activate it at all? I don't mind seeing this "Activate windows" and It would be nice to be able to customize some taskbar options. For example "use smaller icons in taskbar", "hide taskbar automatically", "taskbar location", "combine taskbar buttons". Someimes It's anyoning.
  4. Yasser Da Silva

    Yasser Da Silva MDL Senior Member

    Mar 15, 2015
    #927 Yasser Da Silva, Dec 2, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2016
    and for those who don't like mouses
    there will be a button in the settings menu to change Input modes (Keyboard / Mouse)
  5. LivaditisD

    LivaditisD MDL Novice

    Oct 25, 2015
    can you please share link?
  6. JoaoVr

    JoaoVr MDL Novice

    Jun 4, 2009
    Your program is mandatory for me!

    Normally I`m the guy that formats the computers of my family members and I keed a simple notepad file with the numbers of the tweaks that I normally use "ex: 3-6-3 remove something"

    Sometimes I get the impression that i select tings, but the result dosent happen at all...
  7. Muggaen

    Muggaen MDL Addicted

    Dec 30, 2011
    He is not finished rewriting the whole code, so be patient :):clap:
  8. BongoKongo

    BongoKongo MDL Novice

    Apr 5, 2008
    #931 BongoKongo, Dec 10, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2016
    Is there a toggle tweaker undo script?
    I tried this tool and it fires up & checks for updates but then just disappears.
    So who knows if anything has been changed on my system.
    But I have noticed that a few services that are set to auto run are now set to manual start up.
  9. Borrowedwifi

    Borrowedwifi MDL Novice

    Jun 9, 2010
    Running in the background.

    Yasser, I have contributed nothing to your code,and for that reason, feel a bit selfish in asking for ANYthing, but I may as well put in my own interest, and that pertains to the extensive resettings that my machines have endured, unwanted, from Windows Update.

    In a previous post, I listed a lot of deeply-buried files where apps reside, and part of the extensive resettings involves the recreation of these files and apps, including Cortana, Edge, and One-drive.

    Might there be any way for a version of ToggleTweaker to run in the background, periodically checking to see if any of these files and apps have been re-created via Windows Update, and then just go ahead and automatically attack and destroy them?

    I'm sure I'm asking for far too much, and deserve nothing.

    Your work is top-notch and is appreciated more than I will ever be able to repay you.

    A thousand and one thanks.
  10. prashantsays

    prashantsays MDL Member

    Jun 13, 2016
    won't that hog upon system resources then? Some users don't like apps running in background, it feels creepy. No offence
  11. prashantsays

    prashantsays MDL Member

    Jun 13, 2016
    your firewall is blocking the application from connecting to the internet, that's why it closes after checking for updates. Disable firewall and then run the tweaker, after that re-enable the firewall
  12. Borrowedwifi

    Borrowedwifi MDL Novice

    Jun 9, 2010
    Regards "running in the background" I was thinking more in line with something like GWX Control Panel which monitored and dealt with intrusive attempts to push Windows 10 onto unsuspecting or unwilling machines. Those of us who believed this to be a good idea were happy to let it run in the background, thwarting attempts to change a chosen version of Windows to Windows 10.

    With Toggle Tweaker, perhaps a switch that could be thrown, or not, to allow for background monitoring.

    I would not want to see anything pushed onto users without them being given a proper choice in the matter. Microsoft has already done quite enough of this for everyone, I firmly believe.
  13. Yasser Da Silva

    Yasser Da Silva MDL Senior Member

    Mar 15, 2015
    Thanks for submitting your feedback
    running Toggle Tweaker in the background ... I don't think so
    i took so long in replying because a was searching for another method to do what you are asking For and i have this idea
    create a service that runs a Batch file and the batch file checks for a specific app (you want it removed) if it's there the the batch removes it . else it will check after 24H or after Windows Starts
    but the problem here is keeping track of these Batch files
    let's say that you want 18 apps to be removed so that's 18 Batch created (keeping them in One file will be Hard to do with only .Bat File)
    if you one day decided that you want only 17 removed
    i have no idea how i can make my script find it's Batch and remove it's service

    I will try to do something Later But no promises
  14. crypticus

    crypticus MDL Senior Member

    Jun 29, 2015
    great work.. really admired it..
  15. Borrowedwifi

    Borrowedwifi MDL Novice

    Jun 9, 2010

    You are too kind, sir. Your level of expertise is far beyond my own, and you owe me nothing, so I must be careful about asking for things. Perhaps, just by way of clarification, I posted a "Windows 10 Hatcheting Sequence" in an earlier post in this thread, and in that Hatcheting Sequence are lists of directories and files that, when removed, successfully disrupt the apps that are associated with them. It is hatchet work, to be sure, with no finesse at all. But it seems to work, and once the folders and files are gone, the associated apps fail, and my thinking was along the lines of perhaps saving the list of files and folders for periodic checking (in similar fashion as the GWX Control Panel monitored for the introduction of the GWX folders and files, alerted when they had be insinuated back into the machine, and offered the ability to destroy them, once found). But again, I find myself asking for favors from someone who owes me none. And I really do need to sit down and shut up.

    Your work is the best thing out there, and my appreciation for it is without bound.

    I thank you sir.
  16. AnimaliX

    AnimaliX MDL Novice

    Jul 28, 2009
    I dont know if someone asking this before, but if you want use your script after for example fresh install, well I think it is not for quick hit and run... because lot of menus and sub-menus a sub-sub-menus :) and in some cases is more faster set things manually by user himself ... so I thinking if is not good idea make some "all-in-one" menu items which run few labels in your script automatically... ofcourse safe ones which not breaks system (in most cases)...