Why provide another script for reverting? Rewrite original one, so it will dump original values of features that were modified and it will export them in unique reversal script before modifing selected features. EDIT: If i can recommend you organization of script: 1. Ask which tweaks should be executed 2. Create backup script 3. Execute changes Lets say you will create script that will create another script. If you want, i can rewrite it.
Yea I realized that He had already told me he planned to integrate them into his script Just ignore my other post sorry about that
Yes, if i'm not so lazy... still have my own work laying outdated. Ok i will look into it. So to you both, dont release anything new. EDIT: Do you guys have gmail? send me pm with mail, so we can discuss things if needed.
There are different ways to do it, and i still thinking which will be better. That's why i wanted to discuss it with you.
The problem with this method would be, that those who already used an older version cannot undo the changes. :/ That's why I wanted to offer a script with the default values.
@compgen_1534 Im not into powershell, or even store apps management, but, in script he lists all store apps installed and filters out the uninstallable ones. After they are removed, your query will list nothing and thats why loop dont work. (I really have no idea, never did powershell) @uniQ168 Why not both?
Remove ALL scheduled tasks ... schtasks /delete /tn * /f rmdir /Q /S C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\ mkdir C:\Windows\System32\Tasks reboot
Currently trying to fix a few things to make the tweaks more "safe" and a proper reversal script is also more important for now. I will add more features after I got rid of this and tested a bit more.