No problem can you suggest it to the person who might create the GUI please? and id be happy even if it just ran i you selected options it only takes a few seconds and at least it will block the telemetry straight away! but it would need to be run as admin i think?
WdiContextLog is required by ShellExperienceHost, so you can open Start/Time, otherwise it will keep crashing.
the point is that the script offers you the choice to say yes or no to each of the tweaks so it's for you decide what you need. people who frequent these forums often do so because they want more control of their their computing experience and scripts like this help. off subject.. but personally i prefer to have as little involvement in the Microsoft, Google, Apple ecospheres as possible although that's often difficult. For example, I have just finished removing as much as possible of Google from my android phone. Gone are Google Play Services, Google Playstore, Google Framework etc etc.. The phone runs much smoother now.
It does not work unless WD is actually disabled manually before that, so even this in the script is useless, it only works as reg after WD is set off. sc config WinDefend start= disabled > NUL 2>&1 sc config WdNisSvc start= disabled > NUL 2>&1
These changes are great but not a sure proof method, MS can just re-enable or edit the registry back to spy mode via windows update. I know I can disable windows update with this as well but I'd like to keep getting security patches.
At :reg12start there are 4 add reg entries has truncated dir name, will that be alright or require fixing? e.g Code: reg add "HKLM\COMPONENTS\DerivedData\Components\amd64_microsoft-windows-c..lemetry.lib.cortana_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.10240.16384_none_40ba2ec3d03bceb0" /v "f!dss-winrt-telemetry.js" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f > NUL 2>&1 p.s. This thread should get a sticky, powerful AiO readable script everyone can use.
I was about to write this.... Yes, that would be awsome!! One question. If I want some of the registry tweaks, I have ofcourse to remove the lines that I dont want, but do I also have to change the nrs of reg1start, reg2start etc??? Thank you!
I will update the first post and add a FAQ section for all the common questions posted here. Just need some spare time as I am still working on the script. Maybe I will also create some sort of GUI for this, but since I am not into programming, it will be much more of a rudimentary graphical script executer I guess. ^^''
Who is gonna create a system admin account to run a script? Running it as normal admin does not work.
In my opinion the present y/n script interface is fine.. A GUI would be nice but not important. it would be better however if a "no" answer reverted the registry to it's original state. That would make it easier to undo changes and you would not need a special undo script.
You dont need to create enable Administrator account to run it. Just right click the script and select "Run as administrator".