Hmmm, I got a weird message for the Xbox package that it couldn't be uninstalled (because it was a default app etc.), nothing else seemed to have a problem. Any fix?
@JacksonMG Take ownership of C:\Windows\SystemApps, delete what you want (ShellExperienceHost is Start) No such context menu entry on home/core version? On 8.1 it still existed even for home/core users.
Delete your profile picture (the ones you added) C:\Users\YOUR NAME HERE\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\AccountPictures
Why would you still be using 8.1? The reason they came out with 10 so quickly is because of how much 8 sucks!
I'm sure there's tools out there available to tweak stuff on 8.1 but I don't think the developer will create TNBT for that version of windows. But then again... I could be wrong Sorry about that.
Code: :reg17start set /p reg17="Disable automatic Windows Updates? y/n: " if '%reg17%' == 'n' goto reg18start if /i "%reg17%" neq "y" goto reg17start reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update" /v "AUOptions" /t REG_DWORD /d 2 /f > NUL 2>&1 Are you sure you have latest version?
couple of issues 1. IE tweak should use and not will automaticly re-direct to the local lanuage page if needed 2. you *should* be using group policy to disable windows defender and not the registery directly 3. you should not be disabling windows update I don't care how much the noobs complain what you can do is set it so it won't download install drivers from windows update
80 percent of features are junk. What's the real deal with this tweak? You can make this things easly yourself(just waste of code); - Disable Windows Update sharing - Enable classic control panel view - Enable the classic vertical icon spacing on desktop - Show file extensions - Disable Cortana ... and wtf is purpose of this tweaks; - Uninstall default Windows Apps - Remove versioning tab from properties - Disable jump lists ... and this tweaks just brokes most of core features of windows; - Disable unnecessary services - Disable unnecessary scheduled tasks - Disable Cortana / Bing Search and Searchbar - IE 11 Tweaks(even changes main page) not finished.. I used ver. 1.5 and then used reverse tool. My taskmgr.exe removed from windows folder(lol?). All of the explorer's left side panel user folders(pictures,documents etc.) linked to onedrive and guess what? Onedrive is already uninstalled, you cant open any folder from left panel anymore! Main theme of this text: Use this tweak with care, otherwise your computer will be f*d like mine(just have made clean install )
Sorry dude but nobody forces you do use it. You can use just tweaks you want. I dont think its waste of code, pressing y is faster than opening settings, searching for it and disabling toggles, but this is definetly waste of this forums db. Even when i used the tweaks you complain about, i dont see the symptoms you specified.
The script does exactly that: reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update" /v "AUOptions" /t REG_DWORD /d 2 /f
Thanks for this excellent script !! , works great , but to others know what you want or not if you run the script , win10 is faster now , and I installed the new startmenu from stardock: start 10 , makes it much nice'r But I did found this script on the binary boneless news server.....that is how I run into it....UniQ168 ....maybe you should make it openly available ? searching for The Next Big Tweak on google gives this forum , and than I saw I was a member , There is a windows 10 facebook site , where I wanted to mension your script....( post has to be accorded yet ) but Again UniQ168 Thanx again !