my desktop this is my desktop from a long long time ago recovered from my show me your desktop thread last year....
This is what I am workin' with. It is an old CRT monitor that I am using until I can afford to fix my lappy display.
This thread should be called "Show me your fugly desktops" Yeah i don't have desktop shortcuts, im never on my desktop so they are pointless..
here's what i'm working with for the time being... removed start button completely (wanna know how just ask me) added full start menu transparency
It is great.Thanks for the info. re. Best free softwares sec.19... I could not find the page. Please let me know how to get to the page. Thanks.
Hi folks, I used the ObjectDock from acrsn signature and changed a little in the background images. Please see that: and this is my son, KAMEL, wearing my glasses Enjoy
Here's my laptop's... I don't use any icon on desktop, and disabled the taskbar... just Object dock.....