The error does not seem simplix related. Maybe someone can help when you also post the currently installed packages: Run this in an elevate cmd: Code: dism /online /get-Packages /format:table >"%userprofile%\Desktop\Packages.txt"
Thanks for your Answer. i did what you sayd and attached it to my Post. it looked to big to be posted in teh comments.. Hope that helps finding teh problem.. Thank you very much..
Not for Vista, SimplixPack only apply to Win7. For Win7, Win8.1 and Win10, you may see: to download updates. And to integrate updates (inline or offline) you may use: WHD-W7UI 4.6 Install or integrate Windows 7 updates for WHDownloader repositor WHD-W81UI 4.5 Install or integrate Windows 8.1 updates for WHDownloader repository W10UI 5.3 Install or integrate Windows 10 updates Or MSMG ToolKit
i know about those tools, i wonder if there is any updatepack already made for vista like this one for windows 7 and onepiece pack for xp from wincert forum why no similar pack for vista ?
because at least when some day you want to try to use it for any purpose or just for fun, at least you'll have the latest updates and hotfixes integrated, it's better to install an updated version than an outdated one from long years ago, maybe more likely to have security holes or get virus infections like there are people who still use windows xp (2001 - 2008) nowadays, and windows 7 (2009 - 2011) till today, there most be some people who are using windows vista my point is: if anyone wants to use a previous windows os at least find one which have the latest updates available for it, all integrated within
You probably don't have any idea how much work it will be to sort all those updates, "just for the fun" of a handful of people who want to use the most not supported and unpopular OS ever.
Thank you for the great summary. (sorry slightly off topic Do you know of a way to download (for offline safekeeping) and integrate updates in a similar way, but for Windows XP? For archival purposes I'd love to have a "pack" of all Windows XP updates (one that excludes superseded updates) that I can integrate into an untouched Windows XP Service Pack 3 ISO. Is this doable?
anything else i should post to make it more easy? I really need to be up to date somehow... If you guys need any more infos, no matter what let me know, i will provide them.. Thanks
oh well, i guess the Simplix support here kinda sucks..A lot of people read my LOG but NOONE sayd something..nice... I FIXED my Problem myself, i just used teh "WinFuture Update Pack for windows 7" and woooosh, it worked, im up to date.. Thanks for the not help... You know, if i could read russian, i would asked in the original simplix thread, but im a stupid western guy, so no russian for me.. anyway. i really wished someone could helped me here, but no body wanted it seems like.. Rant over.. My TIP!! if anyone has problems, just use teh winfuture update pack, its also without bulls**t and it just works... Have a nice one..
The updatepack can't handle multi-arch iso's, just feed the pack the install.wim files separately. After all is done, replace the the old files with the new ones.