Doesn't hurt to be here, but i don't see it posted in the win 7 hotfix repo, would be a good place for warnings about problems caused by updates.
@Enthousiast can you post your batch for: Code: TITLE Simplix UpdatePack7R2 - with IE11 - USB - Optimize=ESD - No Temp - NoNVMe - Disabled Spectre/Meltdown Fix - Dotnetfx472 I want to do something similar to you but im not sure about the switches. For me i need IE11, dont need USB3 and NVMe drivers, also want to disable Spectre/Meltdown fix and optimize image. So should my batch look like this: Code: @Echo Off TITLE Simplix UpdatePack7R2 - IE11 - NoUSB3 - NoTemp - NoNVMe - NoSpectre/Meltdown Fix - Optimize COLOR 0A Dism /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:%~dp0wim\install.wim pause cls COLOR 0C set /p VER=Enter the UpdatePack7R2 version number and press Enter: set /p IND=Enter the Index number and press Enter: cls COLOR 0E ECHO UpdatePack: %~dp0exe\UpdatePack7R2-%VER%.exe + ie11 ECHO WIM: %~dp0wim\install.wim [Index=%IND%] ECHO. pause cls COLOR 09 "%~dp0exe\UpdatePack7R2-%VER%.exe" /WimFile="%~dp0wim\install.wim" /ie11 /NoUSB /FixOff /Optimize /Index=%IND% pause Im not sure if those switches should in front of Index number or after it, is there any difference?
@molisz Code: updatepack.exe /wimfile=x /index=y /other_switches This way it's a bit more... let's say tidy. You specify your wim file, you specify the index and then you "tell" it what you want it to do. And yes, /ie11 /NoUSB /FixOff /Optimize are the switches you need.
That's a batch file, ready made by @gamazet or one of the contributors, i later put some more switches in.
@shhnedo Thank you, thats what i wanted to know. @Enthousiast Yeah, i grabbed those batches from the OP. Since i know im gonna update only one index, does that mean that /Optimize switch deletes others indexes or theyre still in the image, just not updated? If yes then im good but if not, what can i do to achieve smallest possibe image file?
/optimize doesn't delete the other indices. exporting the desired index to a new install.wim will be the best way to go.
Will this be enough: Code: Dism /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:D:\WIMOLD\install.wim SourceIndex:3 /DestinationImageFile:D:\WIMNEW\install.wim assuming that since install.wim is from Win 7 Pro iso, that its index 3 and i work on D drive with folders WIMOLD and WIMNEW ? Do i need Compress:max switch or just exporting image will compress and optimize automatically? And to do all that i need WAIK for Win 7, correct?
It should be ok, but I would /compress:max it anyway. I don't work on 7 host, but dism export should work on it (i would always have adk installed anyway).
Thank you @Enthousiast. Btw in your last log i saw you integrated .NET 4.7.2 into Win 7 Enterprise SP1 x86. What i want to know is: 1. did you also used language pack ? 2. to integrate into x64 image do i need both x86 and x64 .wa files or just x64 one? edit. Thanks @shhnedo , good to know, thats why i asked before if i should use Win 7 ADK because some ppl say to go with 8.1 version. Was gonna drop that /optimize switch from the batch and compress:max when using /export-image but now reading @Enthousiast maybe ill hold my horses lol
....Can not longer update an image that has already been updated before? By Simplix or not? Then we will have to update by Simplix in a clean image? I couldn't use the 19.1.10 an image that was already updated until last month.
It's never a good idea to use a wim that was updated earlier, specially on 7 (which has no /startcomponentcleanup or /resetbase options to delta compress or remove superseded components).
so the process is as easy as: take an iso of win 8.1 and open it with an iso editor then remove sources/install.wim of the win 8.1 and put install.esd of win7 instead then save the iso, and it should run as a normal win 7 installation media but i think it will not help in case of recovery or startup repair ?? is there any downside of installing windows 7 using esd or is it just fine ?? thanks
Iso won't boot properly in some older hardware (which runs win7 perfectly fine though) It's better to use .wim if plans are to use the iso in many hardwares. I prefer to integrate usb3.x drivers in boot.wim and simplix take care of drivers in install.wim , that way I can use this iso in both old and new ( not all ofcourse) hardwares.