Simplix Pack to update Live Win7 System/ Integrate hotfixes into Win7 distribution

Discussion in 'Windows 7' started by Enthousiast, May 13, 2013.

  1. ahirzamani

    ahirzamani MDL Novice

    Dec 28, 2014
    @Enthousiast I've integrated the UpdatePack7 image setup but when I open the internet explorer 11 it's no problem but when it shuts down, "inetcpl.cpl gives the error.
  2. ahirzamani

    ahirzamani MDL Novice

    Dec 28, 2014
    #2343 ahirzamani, Feb 19, 2019
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 23, 2019
    @Enthousiast, @AsaadSoft, @piercekalton, @abbodi1406, @simplix, İngilizcem için çok üzgünüm Lütfen bana yardım et? Acil durum ekranı updatepack7 yükleme yoluunu bütünleştirirken hata oluştu Her ne kadar birkaç kez yaptım bazen sürekli böyle bir hata veriyor nerede sorun var

    Internet Explorer 11 - Kod döndürme 0x800F082F
    KB3042058-x64 - Liste dosyasıında bir veya daha fazla sözdizimi hatası var.
    KB3179573-x64 - Geri dönen kod 0x800F082F
    KB3184143-x64 - Geri dönen kod 0x800F082F
    KB4019990-x64 - Dönen kod 0x800F082F
    KB4040966-x64 - Dönen kod 0x800F082F
    KB4054998-x64 - Dönen kod 0x800F082F
    KB4483458-x64 - Dönen kod 0x800F082F
    KB4486563-x64 - Dönen kod 0x800F082F

  3. RileyMartin

    RileyMartin MDL Novice

    May 21, 2016
    Hello. How will the standalone sha-2 update for Win7 & Server2008 effect Simplix's UpdatePack7R2s?
    "Customers running Windows 7 SP1, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 SP2 must have SHA-2 code-signing support installed by July 2019, Microsoft officials have said" (see link below)

    Thanks in advance for any feedback!
    (I don't have 5 posts here, sorry for butchered link)
  4. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    It will be included with Monthly Rollup
    or if not, it will be simply added to UpdatePack7R2
    why the concern?
  5. AsaadSoft

    AsaadSoft MDL Addicted

    Jul 29, 2015
    how do they keep the same size (around ~700 Mb) of the updatepack after all these years and all updates included ??
  6. RileyMartin

    RileyMartin MDL Novice

    May 21, 2016
    There's a handful of files needed for proper updatepack7R2' installations which are usually flagged for invalid signatures. Its late, so I cant recall all of them offhand, but two that come to mind... xNtKrnl.exe and xOsLoad.exe, for eg. I was wondering if the need for the sha-2 signatures might hinder Simplix's ability to re-pack the roll-ups for end-user installs? Thanks for reply! Peace
  7. nima1024

    nima1024 MDL Member

    Sep 18, 2010
    1. Removing superseded updates each month
    2. Including Convenience Rollup
    3. Excluding Windows 10 (Telemetry) updates
  8. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
  9. RileyMartin

    RileyMartin MDL Novice

    May 21, 2016
    yeah, from the link you posted, "To protect your security, Windows operating system updates are dual-signed using both the SHA-1 and SHA-2 hash algorithms to authenticate that updates come directly from Microsoft and were not tampered with during delivery."
    Hmm, I hope you're right on the updatepack7r2 install.
    Should be interesting. I haven't seen anything on Simplix's blog yet, but I'm curious how this will play-out. Please update if u see anything and I'll do the same.
    Ty for getting back!
  10. AsaadSoft

    AsaadSoft MDL Addicted

    Jul 29, 2015
    yeah surely it doesn't have the Convenience Rollup, that's pure telemetry
    the whole purpose of that rollup from microsoft is filling up windows 7 with dozens of telemetry crap
  11. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    Monthly Rollup contain all telemetry now

    Telemetry is overrated in Win 7/8.1
  12. AsaadSoft

    AsaadSoft MDL Addicted

    Jul 29, 2015
    can someone plz tell me why some of the updates have access denied, what does that means ?
    I have free space in the drive, and antivirus protection was paused !!

    The installation log of UpdatePack 7 / 2008 R2 / 19.2.15
    Installation start time - 11:40:17 21.02.2019
    Operating system - Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 x64
    KB917607 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB982018-v3 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2479943 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2491683 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2506014 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2506212 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2506928-v2 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2533552 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2545698 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2547666 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2552343 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2560656 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2563227 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2564958 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2574819-v2 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2579686 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2592687 - Failed to install the update, access is denied
    KB2603229 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2604115 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2620704 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2621440 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2631813 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2640148-v2 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2647753-v4 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2654428 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2660075 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2667402-v2 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2670838 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2685811 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2685813 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2690533 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2698365 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2705219-v2 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2716513 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2719033 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2719857 - Failed to install the update, access is denied
    KB2726535 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2727528 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2729094-v2 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2732059-v5 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2732487-v2 - Failed to install the update, access is denied
    KB2736422 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2742599 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2750841 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2761217 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2763523 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2770660 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2773072 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2786081 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2791765 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2799926 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2800095-v2 - Failed to install the update, access is denied
    KB2807986 - Failed to install the update, access is denied
    KB2808679 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2813347 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2813430 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2818604 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2830477 - Failed to install the update, access is denied
    KB2834140-v2 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2840631 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2843630-v3 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2847927 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2852386 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2853952 - Failed to install the update, access is denied
    KB2857650 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2861698 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2862330-v2 - Failed to install the update, access is denied
    KB2862335 - Failed to install the update, access is denied
    KB2864202 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2868038 - Failed to install the update, access is denied
    KB2871997-v2 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2882822 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2884256 - Failed to install the update, access is denied
    KB2891804 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2893294 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2893519 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2894844 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2900986 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2908783 - Failed to install the update, access is denied
    KB2911501 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2912390 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2918077 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2919469 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2920188-v7 - Failed to install the update, access is denied
    KB2923545 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2931356 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2937610 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2943357 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2966583 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2968294 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2970228 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2972100 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2972211 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2973201 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2977292 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2978120 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2978742 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2984972 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2985461 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2991963 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB2992611 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3000483 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3004375-v3 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3006121 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3006137 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3010788 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3011780 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3013531-v2 - Failed to install the update, access is denied
    KB3020370 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3020388 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3020393 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3021674 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3023215 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3030377 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3035126 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3037574 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3045685 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3046017 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3046269 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3054476 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3055642 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3059317 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3060716 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3064209 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3067903 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3071756 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3072305 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3074543 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3075226 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3078667 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3086255 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3093513 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3097989 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3102429-v2 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3107998 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3108371 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3108664 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3109103 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3109560 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3110329 - Failed to install the update, access is denied
    KB3126587 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3127220 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3137061 - Failed to install the update, access is denied
    KB3138378 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3138612 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3138910 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3139398 - Failed to install the update, access is denied
    KB3139914 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3140245 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3147071 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3150220 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3156016 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3159398 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3161102 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3161949 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3177467-v2 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3179573 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3184143 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB4040966 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB4054998 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB4483458 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    UpdRoots - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    Internet Explorer 11 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    IE-Hyphenation-en - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    IE-Hyphenation-fr - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    IE-LangPack-fr-fr - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    IE-Spelling-en - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    IE-Spelling-fr - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB3042058 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed
    KB4486563 - Failed to install the update, access is denied
    Installation finish time - 13:16:21 21.02.2019
    The number of installed updates - 170
    Total installation time of UpdatePack - 01:36:04
    Operation of the program has been successfully finished
  13. burko

    burko MDL Novice

    Nov 29, 2012
    #2354 burko, Feb 22, 2019
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2019
    Hi there,
    would it be safe to use this Pack on Lenovo T43, Win 7 Enterprise, x64, Sp1 - NO ADMIN ACCESS - my daughter's laptop from grad school; which is in kinda workin' order, but has't been updated for ages (actually, since she finished school and stopped logging onto school's network)?
    I wanted to install Kodi the other day, it said "Platform Update...bla...bla...KB2670838 is required."
    Then, after that, there was something about "TrustedInstaller...", and that's how I got here...
    Everything else is pretty much working: e-mail, internet browsing, watching movies, listening to music...but, then again : "Curiosity killed the cat !"
    I was thinking to try with this Pack, short of re-installing the whole damned thing !
    Unless you guys tell me not to, of course.
    Thanks a bunch.
    PS: If you think I should re-install anyway, clean slate kind thing, what would be the best course of action?
    Hate spyin' n telemetry...
  14. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    The pack just installs the updates and kills telemetry.

    Telemetry is not spying, on 7 it's overhyped, i always use the pack just for the easy updating of a clean win 7 iso.
  15. burko

    burko MDL Novice

    Nov 29, 2012
    Thank you for helping.
    So, you are saying it can only be used FOR A CLEAN INSTALL !?
    I can't use it from within already running windows ? Especially for the fact that it's Enterprise and I do NOT have admin pswd.
    Of course,I could try to run it from the right click context menu with admin privileges, I am just hoping that you might already know.
    Can the process be reversed if I get stuck in this attempt ? I would have to prepare then ISO DVD beforehand, I guess...
  16. AsaadSoft

    AsaadSoft MDL Addicted

    Jul 29, 2015
    plzzz !!