ALL of the UpdatePack7R2's I've used for years always complete properly when using a Windows LTSB/LTSC 10-x64 host w/ VMware Windows 7 Pro-x64... This issue has been going on for more than a year using Windows 10 LTSB-2016-x64 and Windows 10 LTSC-2019-x64... Once in awhile it actually finishes, but usually FAILS with the KBxxxxxxx - The parameter is incorrect... I TEST this periodically, not every month... It starts out fine, but sooner or later it FAILS with the KBxxxxxxx - The parameter is incorrect while integrating the updates... NOTE: I'm using a Windows 7 Pro-x64-SP1-X17-xxxxx (unmodded) as the Source ISO... Maybe this is an issue with LTSB / LTSC and not other W10 editions... This occurs on both my ASUS ROG Laptop and ASUS (Mainboard) Custom PC...
Thank you very much abbodi1406 for your reply. +Rep Edit For those of you who wish to benefit from the other security features offered by blackbird whilst retaining the windows updates simply run blackbird with the following command. blackbird.exe -noupdate
I have installed in march 2019 simplix pack update. Today I have installed UpdatePack7R2-19.11.18.exe. In installed updates I have only 6 today updates. Rest updates are from march. From march to today was only 6 updates? I think it should be more. Where is the problem?
>I have installed in march 2019 simplix pack update. Today I have installed UpdatePack7R2-19.11.18.exe. In installed updates I have only 6 today updates. Rest updates are from march. From march to today was only 6 updates? I think it should be more. Where is the problem?< Just guessing here, but it may be explained in shhnedo's reply #2821 at the top of this page - one big cumulative update replacing lots of older smaller ones prior to some recent new updates.
I apologise for adding my question here but I can't seem to locate anywhere to start a new thread topic. I am doing a fresh PC build and want to install W7 Pro. There is a lot of talk about making an installation disk that includes a W7 sp1 ISO and further updates without the unwanted telemetry and W10 nagware. This thing is called an UPDATER or a Simplex pack. I found a version of the updater on Seven forums but I can't get proper advice on how to use it. I have looked for the Simplex pack and only find something called a magnet address. Is there anywhere these tools can be downloaded from with sound explicit instructions on how to use them? I don't understand all the references to torrents and SHAG files (?). Or is this all too technical for us mere mortals. I am about to give up and take a leap into Linux if I can't get going with W7 on my new PC.
All info about how to use simplix updatepacks is at the OP, including boss911's tool, or you can try my tool, it will generate an uptodate simplix'ed iso. Be aware, there will be an updated pack any day now.
i suggest to use the tool by Enthousiast, it is very simple and powerfull!! all you have to do is to put ISOs of Windows 7 and 10 into their right folders and when all is done you got a Windows 7 ISO Updated with hotfixes and network drivers too
Thanks! I download the october one again then. Jeez Simplix should have done only 3 more until EOL without f*ck*ng it up...