It's just 2 monthly updates now, a rollup and a ssu afterwards, the disk cleanup doesn't take that long anyway.
I am just mentioning what I saw, because I have no way to time it accurately. If the stuff that the logs report is timestamped, I think it would say the same.
I thought something didn’t work for you after cleaning the disk, but just waiting a bit to get valuable free space should not be a problem. In addition to cleaning the disk, telemetry removal and other service processes are launched, so a reboot is necessary in any case. But if you still don’t need cleaning, just click “Cancel” when it starts.
No, instead, I added other conditions - if the update is quiet or passive or any keys are specified, the update will not be checked.
Yes, for your and other utilities in order to avoid unexpected dialogs during integration or installation process.
I do not understand what your question is, according to the journal you have all the updates installed correctly. You do not need UpdateScan7.log, see only UpdatePack7.log.
@simplix : What a great work, Sir! Many Thanks. @jim_p & ALL : He is the author of this great work. Thank him & take your tips. Thanks. ...
Offtopic. Can someone show me how to quote multiple messages please? I click the "+quote" button on the ones I want, then I click reply but only the last comment is quoted.
UpdatePack7R2-20.4.20.exe CRC32: F15FF483 ED2K: 70D4FA417CAF9B464E921C34AB887FA7 MD5: B6B2C14E5DF540316EE63B4434FCA8FC SHA-1: 42CED646986115DF62651A8D389888C0876790B4 SHA-256: 1F030916E6DE67C52C7F2EE2DFFBAB808748C7FBA520D8DCA69EEBA6AB4C0198
UpdatePack 20.4.20 LOG: