Simplix Pack to update Live Win7 System/ Integrate hotfixes into Win7 distribution

Discussion in 'Windows 7' started by Enthousiast, May 13, 2013.

  1. blkthorne

    blkthorne MDL Novice

    Jan 26, 2020
    It's very respectable to make an offer like that, as it's both a challenge accepted and charitable.
  2. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    @simplix, making a copy of a damaged system isn't going to help anyone... ;) Besides, I wasn't complaining! Just giving feedback, which I can see from your corrections, which came after that, was correct... So, all is well, ultimately! ;)

    What might really help is me installing Debian for educational purposes - I hope my son likes it... If he'll be able to play Roblox on it and such like... :D
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  3. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Why would say this, based on what? It's a PC for a 6 year old, playing some games on it usually in the afternoon and mostly using it for home schooling via SeaSaw (hence it is important that it functions)...
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  4. Arkonite

    Arkonite MDL Novice

    Jul 7, 2018
    Does Simplix UpdatePack (20.1.17) include the wallpaper bug fix?
  5. shhnedo

    shhnedo MDL Expert

    Mar 20, 2011
    Car mechanics don't fix cars by not touching them. ;)

    No, but the latest one does.
  6. Arkonite

    Arkonite MDL Novice

    Jul 7, 2018
    Oh yeah, does this remove telemetry updates already installed in the system? Or should those updates be removed manually?
  7. AsaadSoft

    AsaadSoft MDL Addicted

    Jul 29, 2015
    why would have any risk with any windows version there is no risk you just need to be smart
    always have more than two partitions in your hard drive one for the system usually C:\
    and the others for your data D:_ E:\ ....etc
    so your data is always safe whatever happened to the system corrupted or crushed or whatever
    just setup a new windows and you are fine
  8. Hal2000

    Hal2000 MDL Junior Member

    Apr 26, 2014
    Better still,have a backup on another partition or drive and restore in a few minuets
  9. LittlePro

    LittlePro MDL Senior Member

    Jan 19, 2017

    1. It’s true that a problem with update pack, can’t be solved by sfc /scannow but it will be always vital to check your OS, before doubting on the update pack!
    If you face a problem, you can always restore the system image & make sure that there is no problem with the OS itself. If you see that it is all well with the OS, You can report here & wait for the solution / advice.

    2. Sorry, I am unaware of the SmartFix. So, I can’t help with that.

    Thanks. …
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  10. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    That's not the point I am making! These are the crucial bits you missed here:

    1) it's damaged and I have to reinstall it, there's no two ways about it,

    2) @simplix already discovered the bits causing failures and reverting the changes etc.

    3) I do not feel comfortable making a copy of my complete C drive and uploading it to the internet - call me silly but it's better to reinstall it...

    4) last but by no means least, I repeat, I was not complaining and bitching but giving feedback and as we can see @simplix acted perfectly, investigated the issues, attempted fixes and more, so that's all I was thinking about here, to share the info/findings, in the hope it might help others and the errors would be removed.

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  11. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Yes, except a car and my OS is NOT the same by any stretch of imagination, is it?

    And it makes perfect sense to alert to certain problems one encounters, surely...

    Whatever we can do safely we should do, so that is what I have done...

    I will try both WinRepair and SmartFix, of course - thanx for that!
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  12. shhnedo

    shhnedo MDL Expert

    Mar 20, 2011
    When both are put in the specific context of having someone fix something for you, they are both exactly the same. You would understand that if you weren't too busy explaining how you're "not complaining" and "doing whatever you can". That's not how troubleshooting works, it's not how asking for a fix for a problem works. Making people guess where your problem is helps neither you, nor people with the same problem in the future. Simple as.
  13. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Yes, except I did not ask anyone anything - I gave feedback, which you (once again) neglected when trying to stretch things way too far out...
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  14. shhnedo

    shhnedo MDL Expert

    Mar 20, 2011
    "There's a problem I barely managed to recover from."
    - no info about your problem
    - no info on how you "fixed" it
    Where's the feedback?

    Generic small talk.
    - no info about the problem
    - placebo suggestion on how to HIDE the problem
    Where's the feedback?

    Some more generic small talk. That wasn't even a reply towards you, simplix was stating he actually discovered a problem with server non-gui editions I reported(with actual log from the updatepack) and he's working on a fix.
    - no info about your problem
    Where's the feedback?

    "I changed the tires on my car but it still won't start. Don't worry, I'm not complaining, it's a risk we take knowingly and willingly when DIYing, so no crying here... "We" do appreciate you wasting time with this gibberish, thank you."
    - no info about your problem
    Where's the feedback?

    "Providing an actual system(an image of it), which you can reproduce the problem on and fix it, isn't going to help anyone." What exactly are the "corrections" simplix made? Are you so sure they're even remotely related to your "problem"?
    Where's the feedback?

    "The purpose of the PC is this and that and it's important that it functions." No sh*t it's important. Important enough turn the thread into a social community forum.
    Where's the feedback?

    1) the person, who has no idea what's going on, seems to know best how to resolve the issue.
    Also, since "had to reinstall", why did you not use the updatepack to make an up-to-date image? Or were you too busy providing fEeDbAcK?
    2) guy told you himself, the problems he fixed are actual reported/discovered problems and have nothing to do with your nonsense
    3) but you're completely ok with using software from random people on the internet?
    4) not ok, as your "not b*tching" is taking up people's time. Actual "not b*tching" would be not posting about it if there's nothing useful to add.
    Where's the feedback?

    Already explained how wrong you are about this one.
    Where's the feedback?

    Forums(especially technical ones) exist to solve problems, not to act innocent and play the "i didn't ask for anything, you chose to waste your time" card. As sorry as I am to produce this essentially useless wall of text, your attitude is too irritating not to prove wrong.
    So, again, WHERE'S THE FEEDBACK?

    On that note, I welcome you to my ignore list. All the questions I have in this post are purely rhetorical and are already answered, multiple times even. All I did is put your entire activity in the past few pages into one post, so it's easy to see.
  15. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Listen here, small-talker: WHERE DID I ASK FOR ANYTHING IN HERE?!? BUT NO BS, DETAILED FACT!!!
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  16. huhuq

    huhuq MDL Novice

    May 24, 2018
  17. Arkonite

    Arkonite MDL Novice

    Jul 7, 2018
    I download all the updates of Win7 and it totalled to about 5 gb which only includes the 64-bit updates. Does this seriously contain all that in an 850 mb file?