I love this program, thank you for the effort you put in making this awesome timesaving program! keep it up
UpdatePack 7 / 2008 R2 / 14.7.15-problem Hello, I have downloaded this update pack and started (as usual) windows 7 integration based on original windows 7 SP1 DVD (Note: I never integrate IE11 in new install.wim; prefer to use Firefox) It seems it does not complete correctly. Here is partial output from UpdatePack7R2-14.7.15.log: The installation log of UpdatePack 7 / 2008 R2 / 14.7.15 Installation start time - 11:21:04 15.07.2014 Operating system - Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 x64 ... KB2966583 - Integration of the update has been successfully completed (LAST update that looks to me to be o.k) and then comes what makes me unsure that all went correctly: KB2971850 - The return code is 87 KB2972280 - The return code is 87 KB2973201 - The return code is 87 KB2973337 - The return code is 87 KB2973351 - The return code is 87 WindowsUpdate-ActiveX - The return code is 87 WindowsUpdate-Aux - The return code is 87 WindowsUpdate-Core - The return code is 87 The number of installed updates - 157 Total installation time of UpdatePack - 01:54:41 Operation of the program has been successfully finished install.wim is created, but The return code is 87 for several updates seems to me that something went wrong So I did not 'inject' newly created install.wim into original windows 7 SP1 DVD Any idea what is the meaning of return code 87 or even better what is/was wrong? (I have checked MD5 checksum of downloaded UpdatePack7R2-14.7.15.exe and it was correct/identical as stated on Update pack download) Regards, sedmi
I am doing this on XP/32 bit using DISM_1.0.5 version for XP and Vista This worked fine in the past (last time I used the same method in June) I have also noticed on: h-t-t-p://forum.oszone.net/thread-257198-101.html that another user reported the identical problem with this update pack,but no answer yet I am aware of what I know(or more precisely what do NOT know) but is it possible that there is some hidden error in this update?
I checked error code 87 and tried to help about it. About hidden error in Pack, you are the first to report. We will see, if there are others (or not) reporting the same error, eventual new pack will be issued very soon, possibly today. I will inform here on time. PS No error
Hello, thanks for your reply, but then I am confused since I receive errors previously described I did exactly the same with this(July) update as I did with June update which completed error free I did not change anything else (I have written step by step procedure how to perform this, so I do not have to 'reenvent the wheel' when performing new Update) Do you have any idea what might caused the described error? Although I checked checksum of the download is it sensible to re-download the July update and give it one more try? Thanks in advance for your answer Regards, sedmi