KB3024777 is an emergency patch to uninstall the broken KB3004394. Edit: abbodi1406 was faster. Yes, there's only a DISM command inside.
Simplix - "This month, I do not have time to create a set, preparing to release a new version of AntiSMS."
I am getting error " Failed to mount system's registry error code 1. (Scan) Both methods page 1, and 31
Successfully integrated using" To integrate ie11 do i have to download separately? or ie11 included in updatepack
It is explained in the main post: "Key /S for a fully silent install with no windows and messages. Case is significant. Key /Silent for passive installation - you can see the progress, but the installation is fully automatic."
i see that don't worry bro i just want make some tests with setucomplete.cmd etc also i can use setupcomplete for install few more updates in online mode if needed Happy New Year and Happy Holidays!!! From Greece
When asked to type version number you should write only numbers 14.11.17 for that particular Pack, nothing else. Should not write this part UpdatePack7R2- Did you do that?
I've over 200GB of disk space so it's not that Mr.X. Would you have any idea which file it is that may be corrupt?