I was wondering that myself. Yesterday, I did an integration of Simplix 16.10.16 using the boss911 Integator. Like you, I noticed that the USB3 project was integrated as well. (Nothing in the log... just happened to notice during the process.) I'm thinking that editing line 46 and saving it under a new filename might do the trick. Here's lines 44-46 Code: CALL:ChoiceEditionMenu CLS & ECHO. & ECHO The process of integration updates... UpdatePack7R2\%UpdatePackEXE% /IE11 /Optimize /WimFile=%~dp0ISO\%ISO_NAME%\sources\install.wim /Index=%IndexEdition% Edit: Code: UpdatePack7R2\%UpdatePackEXE% /NoUSB /IE11 /Optimize /WimFile=%~dp0ISO\%ISO_NAME%\sources\install.wim /Index=%IndexEdition% Corrected: Simplix version name
I just finished an integration with /NoUSB key. The difference between it and the integration without /NoUSB key is like 6.6MB. I'm using a SP1 Pro N VL I made with a SVF patch. Just an FYI if anyone wanted to save space by not including the USB3 driver.
It might be a bit of a stretch, but I thought I would ask anyway. Would there be anyway to integrate a couple of registry keys, while integrating the Simplix pack? I've just finished creating myself an ISO using NTLite, which consists of April and September servicing stacks, the convenience rollup and the monthly rollups since then, plus I integrated a couple of my own registry keys. I'd prefer to use the Simplix pack to make my ISO, as it would require less updating on a new install, but at the same time, I'd like to integrate my registry keys too. Thanks.
Thanks for your quick reply Enth. I've ran /imagex /mountrw to a directory successfully, but when I attempt to load the registry using reg load hklm\software\policies\microsoft\windows c:\win7mount\windows\system32\config\software it says ERROR: Access is denied. Any ideas? I've tried mounting the wim index to a different drive, but that didn't help either. Yes, command is running as Admin.
@Duckz: Your command tries to load the registry in an existing key of your live Windows. Use your own, easy to identify key. The referenced blog uses HKLM\test.
unable to use this , getting error :- the system cannot find the path specified , can someone help me in this please. fresh install on x64 sp1 from msdn, renamed to UpdatePack7R2--ie11++ , saved in D\ .. trying to run. Thanks in advance
yes, C: is system drive, D is on another physical drive where UpdatePack7R2 is saved. Also, tried running with "UpdatePack7R2.exe /ie11 /silent /reboot /Temp=D:\junk" where various directories of hot-fixes created, but majority of them are empty and same error exist while installing
At last i created an ISO integrating version 11.11 with win7 sp1 ISO. All went well, OS reinstalled. (hotfixes can be seen in installed updates section) When im checking for update its again halting at "checking for updates" for really long time, Is it suppose to act like this ? quickly searched installed update, but KB3172605 is not listed in that list. Is there any additional hot-fixes i need to install to get updates from Windows update? Thanks,