I tested the November release just to see what happens and that failed too, i cleaned out all the windows logs & tried manually installing IE 11 offline so it can't grab anything, just to see if it bugs out during the install and splatters my event viewer during setup but before i got to that it wouldn't continue and advised me i go read kb/2847882. I actually have all them pre-req updates (in a servicing folder) but ide assume the pack did them in order. Are the scripts your using slipstreaming without IE then running again a second time with the IE parameter? when i tried to slip the december pack it said 202 updates. I also notice your runs in three stages, mine only reboots twice and the log shows 2 stages. The 7 premium key i have is a system builder, so when im testing on a spare drive i just restore the legit activation ive backed up with the toolkit, will look into the pro thing. Was your windows 7 activated before running the pack? the one im testing has no loader so the pack went in unactivated, that said my slipstream attempt, the wim is the bog standard key. I'll clean up and rebuild one from scratch again using a different machine & have mem test give the other system a once over i think, gotta be something really stupid im missing as ive done this before
Please split the text in readable pieces and sentences, and yes it was a clean unactivated (doesn't really matter) install. And the offline session also was on a clean msdn iso.
New Version Source: forum.oszone.net/post-2697677-4331.html Code: File: UpdatePatch-16.12.22.exe CRC-32: d6400587 MD5: d4196601f674bb06b3ee56bb20539d93 SHA-1: 7f7cfbd8cb1b95f474232afa7f4301fdb0b61622 SHA-256: 5df6474ef1a63bc25bcd16b334fb3a609851135fcc48e295850635108d043827
Live Install Tested on a different machine (first pass without IE11, then 2nd pass with IE 11) worked perfectly. According to a neighbour the power flickered in this block and his pc restarted. I can only assume that's why mine only had the 2 reboots and corrupted the registry preventing the re-install. Offline integration As my laptop battery's iffy on high cpu load (and the power loss concern) i did a chkdsk and that found errors (after which) i opened the wim.. and low & behold there was an Index for "Starter" returned alongside my home premium. Going to have to get my self a ups for the pc (im 5 floors up) when power switches over it can randomly flip the pc off depending on what time of year it is. 70+ people with nibi's running, ive been using a laptop for a year so it had escaped my mind and its that time of year . The laptop will be on my power bank when doing this from now on. Thanks for the tests & confirmation it was defo my end @ Enthousiast
I'm trying to follow this guide step by step but I could not go on with it: The link to the attachment is invalid (already alerted the admin). Step 2, where do I get the files, from the original Windows 7 iso image? Follow up: 1)I got the install.wim from the Windows 7 ISO image, is that correct? 2)I copied the Windows 7 ISO image inside the "Simplix_Batches_Win7" folder, tough there missing instruction there regarding where to put the ISO image. 3)I started the integrie.bat file and got the following error code "7", pressed OK it didn't show me the list of OSs then I entered "*". 4) The update started and I suspected that it was trying to update my live system instead of the offline ISO image as per my choice. 5) Error: the update process restarts after showing the error code (check the screen shot) and it never stops so I just closed the window. 6) After a while the system asked me to restart the computer, that is a problem because I chose to update the offline ISO image and not to update my live system! Can anyone help please, I'm going to restart the computer and I worry that it will have problems!
I would advise during these major operations and OS installation to put a fan next to it so to prevent the laptop from having weird behavior like the CPU raising a critical level and the system reducing operations or switching off.
F = internal SKU has nothing to do with it Host is 10 Pro 14393 with 14393 ADK installed (for imagex only). Maybe you should tell us what config you are running?
Yes don't forget to come back and check or delete your post because your instructions don't work. And the fact that you suggested to check the final image in a virtual machine tells me everything. Check my feedback in the previous posts, if you are still active in this forum. I'm not even able to delete the folder I created to work for this project where I put the iso and all your batch files "you have no permission for this operation"!!! Man, your batch files tried to update my live system not the wim file. Delete your post!
It might be the typical internet user copying somewhere and pasting somewhere else without giving credit to the original poster. But also there is a non working link in his post.