Hi, Is Win7USB3 1.1 integrated in the last Simplix Update Pack ? Where to find a tutorial in english to use Win7USB3 please ? Regards.
When you don't specifically use the /NoUSB command it integrates the usb3.x driver installer. To use the standalone Win7USB3.exe tool just mount the install.wim and start the tool, it asks for the mount folder, browse to it and hit OK.
Normally, I would just skip past this kind of post but today I must say something. Now I do not know you. I do not judge you. I do however feel the need to enlighten those like you who speak in such manner about Enthousiast. He is by far one of the nicest people I have ever met here. He does a lot for people as well do so may others. When I couldn't figure out how to make an OEM disc for myself. He took the time to converse with me and assist me and went as far as making it for me. This is not something a mean spirited or rude person does. This is something that a kind hearted and supportive person does. Please remember that written form language can most times be difficult to communicate or understand. It's also important that people like Enthousiast teaches others what he can so that it enhances the community so more of us can help each other in times of need. It's called leading by example and it is the fundamental backbone of any community.
Wow, lecture in how people should help each other from someone who has contributed NOTHING in 3 years.
https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...-win7-distribution.45005/page-65#post-1358345 I just noticed i forgot to update the OP, will do that asap
I agree with you with all of this. He indeed is a specialist who knows very much and helps a lot. The point that started it, was my question, why he does not answer simple qustions, when he does waste his time writing an answer anyway. He did this on five occasions and it is a habit I have met on Linux and Firefox FOums, where people who know less are obviouely not deamed worthy of an answer. I asked : Why does he not answer, even is the questioner might have found the answer by himself? Does he know, how much time thw questioner has already wasted searching without finding and decided to simple ask the quetion here? And I asked, Why does he then answer at all? Which means, it is not that he does not answer, because he does not want to waste his precious time on less knowledgable people.... There is no problem at all, if someone does not want answer a question, but this IS different. So your writing "It's called leading by example..." misses the point. But then, feel free to read what you like into my words
If you had investigated it yourself you would have learned something without having to ask and maybe you would have been able to contribute something helpful. But as i showed you before, many ask, ask, ask, ask and ask, never show they got/read any answer (either by hitting the "like" button or in a real reply) and ask again.
hello, what is the difference between UpdatePack7R2 and WHDownloader ? is one better than the other ? do both of these tools allow to download and install the same win7 updates or does one of them allow to download and install more updates than the other ?
WHDownloader is just a downloader. You can download desired updates. Simplix Update Pack is a fixed amount of updates(each month) which you can either install on your currently running windows 7, or integrate into a windows 7 iso. This is basically it.
ok so i suppose that either way, both of these tools will allow you to download the same win7 updates that you need for your win7 version, right ?
The updatepack is not a downloader, it's one downloadable exe, to either update the live install of all Win 7 SP1 sku's or to offline integrate the updates into an install.wim.
yes i got that, what i would like to know is if both of these tools will allow to get the same win7 updates that you need for your win7 version.
Yes work perfect,it install 188 updates of 220 on this iso (en_windows_7_enterprise_with_sp1_x64_dvd_u_677651.iso) whit the last UpdatePack7R2-17.7.15.exe.
What is unclear about the WHD being a Windows Hotfix Downloader, start it and you'll see what it does and Simplix UpdatePack being an one ready to use pack of updates?