Is this tool capable of installing updates to ISO images "All in One" with x86 and x64 architecture together? Is there this tool for Windows 8.1 and Windows 10?
This tool is capable of integrating updates in all indexes (AIO x86 and x64) but only for win7, i've already tested it and i managed to integrate updates into win7 AIO x86 and x64 ISO successfully. The problem that you would face later is that you won't be able to boot the iso from usb flash disk into EFI system if boot.wim file is from x86 archtirecture because in most cases EFI does not support x86 architecture. Otherwise, if you want to integrate updates for win8.1 and win10, use @abbodi1406's script WHD-W81UI for win8.1 and W10UI for win10, you can find both of these scripts here
Im simplix's user from six month now and my box is still fast and No problems of any kind. Sadly I need to install .Net framework 4.7. My abilities are very basic but i use two free programs to block port 138, 139, 445, rdp, net bios over tpc/ip and others: Windows-Worms-Doors-Cleaner Seconfig-XP. These programs only -i think- make registry tweaks
I've never tried audit mode and sysprep/capture but i think is more closer to the clean install spirit. thanKs for the suggestions.
It's the best way for those without the network or server resources to create a clean and custom Windows installation image. Before I had a server and did them on a regular PC I always did the sysprepping on a VM. Once I was finished customizing it, I'd generalize it and apply my custom answer and have the system shut down. I'd then simply use imagex to capture the system image right off the VHD and all done without booting into any PE environment. Though MDT and LiteTouchPE has spoiled me to the point I can't see doing another actual sysprep of a machine.
If the UpdatePack7Live folder and subfolders still exist after a reboot does that imply that that Upd7Live did not run(once) ? What I did was this : - updated W7 install.wim using Simplix. - used the updated wim in NTLite. - Installed W7 using the NTLited install.wim using WinNTSetup3. The UpdatePack7Live folder and subfolder still exist even after a reboot. Anyway to check if Upd7Live actually installed the updates in that folder? The runonce entry does not exist in the registry.
I don't support ntlite nor winntsetup3. I don't know what you did to the wim with ntlite or the settings you've used.
Press WIN+R, type "cmd" without quotes, press ENTER. At the command prompt, type: Code: dism /online /get-packages > YOUR_PATH_OF_CHOICE_HERE\my_package_list.txt then open the TXT file and search for the KB numbers you are interested in. RunOnce entries are removed after being processed. If the KB numbers are not in the txt file, one possibility is that NTLite removed the Simplix RunOnce entry as a result of some of your tweaking operations.
Can someone post the runonce reg entry ? If I have the syntax of the Upd7Live cmd, I can run it. EDIT : From SOFTWARE hive : Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\test\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce] "Upd7Live"="Upd7Live.exe" "Win7USB3"="Win7USB3.exe"
/Temp= is not working for me edit: UpdatePack7R2-17.8.10.exe /nospace /ie11 /temp=f:\tm\ /WimFile=f:\install.wim /Index=1 nospace first will fix it
Just finished installing it on a fresh Enterprise SP1, after install only the WAT update and KB3138612 were in the important list, great job!