It creates a folder indiside install.wim "\windows\updatepack7live\" probably this folder contains nonintegrateable updates. can i safely delete this folder. Will there remain some autorun registry entries or cmd exe files to run this folder?
Anybody can successfully updated Server 2008 R2 with simplix or manually adding updates and get it work. My all images gives setup.exe winutil.dll error. I check log files there is nothing strange. I have changed the c:\windows\system32\oobe folder with original files (files that not updated with updates) it bypasses the error but this time at the end of the installations it says cmiv2.dll error. Now will change that dll (new one and older one have huge file size difference)
why did you disable the spectre fix and enable only meldown fix ? By disabling spectre fix, you logically won't be protected against spectre vulnerability. And could you please be more explicit about the /fixoff option ? what is the exact command line that you have to run including /fixoff option ?
There is no spectre bios fix for my hardware anyway. But i create aio iso's and they have to be as neutral as possible, so the people can decide for themselves what fix they enable or disable, that's why i asked.
I use the batch files and only add the /FixON or /FixOFF switch: example: Code: @Echo Off TITLE Simplix UpdatePack7R2 - with IE11 - NoUSB - Optimize - No Temp - Disabled Spectre/Meltdown Fix COLOR 0A Dism /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:%~dp0wim\install.wim pause cls COLOR 0C set /p VER=Enter the UpdatePack7R2 version number and press Enter: set /p IND=Enter the Index number and press Enter: cls COLOR 0E ECHO UpdatePack: %~dp0exe\UpdatePack7R2-%VER%.exe + ie11 ECHO WIM: %~dp0wim\install.wim [Index=%IND%] ECHO. pause cls COLOR 09 "%~dp0exe\UpdatePack7R2-%VER%.exe" /WimFile="%~dp0wim\install.wim" /ie11 /FixOff /NoUSB /Optimize /Index=%IND% pause
There's a simple reason for disabling/enabling the CPU mitigations. Speed. Plain and simple. Many many older CPUs will become much slower with the fixes enabled (missing PCID). You can test with InSpectre et al and decide for yourself.
Code: File: UpdatePack7R2-18.6.15.exe Size: 683 MiB CRC-32: 7936112a MD5: 21d65a87d2734bbaea6eca04554fd0e1 SHA-1: 7a9049a5aae609c92bb4b39e99e527c01b5d0b25 SHA-256: 1d8e7a6351a0b6133a50379c0a299db571e727d1ecf6e3d0adfce49cb49e4661 SHA3-256: 36195a9a9334b649edb7d5e58fb365cbeba54e47c344371286cc7612f0203f1c