yes,you are right. PS: I can't modify the title "SLIC DUMP ToolKit V1.06 (Inculd PKey&Cert. Backup) " , anyone known how to ...
Dear Sir Downloaded V1.08 => extract => SLIC_Dump_TooKit.EXE then it show "driver error" Windows 7 ultimate x64 [included 9 new patches]
Sorry I didn't know you tried that already, maybe one of our Moderators can help with this, By the way, Many thanks for the great tool, it is really helpful
Remove the version number in the title so you can do updates without revisiting and re-editing the title every now and then.
Please use "Clear Driver" button and reboot , try it . maybe your anti-virus softwae to prevent the Driver to install. you'd better to pass "anti-virus" once. A good idea to look at the problems the previous post
@davidxxw I modified the title as requested. If it does not suit your needs, please let me know and I will change it to whatever you want.
Methinks if this could be made to run, save and backup silently in the background and it was put on an autorun memory stick it would be a very useful tool.
SlicDump toolkit 1.08 Unable to download i cannot seem to download from the link provided-could somebody please post mirror-there is a mirror posted but has been erased thanks