Edit: The latest script now working as expected. Tested in a VM using my usual ans file, very happy with this.
Added option to Disable or not Windows Defender. Please test this modified script and report the result. psw: mdl2025
I do fresh install & always unattended. I never do upgrades. Using win 10 I have a minimal amount of files in the Sources Dir that produce a working desktop. Can we advise what is the minimal file list for a fresh install using Win 11? see my win 10 list below.
Hello @Mavericks Choice I know the Windows 7 Enthousiast script does what you're talking about. I haven't tried this with Windows 10 or 11 yet. So I don't know the answer.
@SunLion 23H2 integrator v 9... downloaded most of your stuff, yet no copy of integrator (23H2) previous to this one 24H2 (Windows 11) integrator is currently at at v7.+, am I missing something... a bit confused
Actually, these numbers are for my own convenience, so that I don't get confused and can move forward, heheh. 23H2_Integrator_9 for that reason. You're not missing anything.
Hi, I have used your tool many times and never had any problems. But in the latest versions, for me personally, the Calendar stopped working. I tried changing its values in the registry, but it didn't help. Judging by the comments of others, everything is fine with this - it is not clear what the problem is. Are there any solutions to this problem?
Ah you're right @sainfo... my Win 11 IOT Enterprise LTSC 24H2 install the calendar is not showing too when clicked.
Okay after investigation it turns out the calendar not showing because Tweak : Disable_Notification_Center Because Windows 11 Calendar is put on Notification Center I guess... so just revert the tweak and restart your pc to bring back the calendar
Hello SunLion. Information for SunLion, convenient for me. Spoiler :AskCHOICEDART echo. echo. echo ============================================================ echo. echo Integrate Dart into Boot.wim or WinRe? echo. echo ============================================================ echo. echo [ 1 ] Integrate Dart into Boot.wim echo. echo [ 2 ] Integrate Dart into WinRe echo. SET /P "CHOICEDART=Choice Your Option: " If /i "%CHOICEDART%"=="1" ( SET DaRTWinBoot=1 echo Integrate Dart into BootWim ) If /i "%CHOICEDART%"=="2" ( SET DaRTWinRe=1 echo Integrate Dart into WinRe ) IF NOT DEFINED CHOICEDART GOTO :AskCHOICEDART
I immediately realized that it was all about Disable_Notification_Center.cmd. I immediately deleted it, but this did not help me get the Calendar back.