Sainfo, I'm reading that tutorial you suggested for shrinking boot.wim and it says that index 2 of boot.wim should be removed. And that index 1 should never be removed. You said you deleted index 1. Is that right? I'm confused.
Yes, that's right. The fact is that the installer is located in index 2, and index 1 has nothing to do with the OS installation. Why does he do this, remove index 2, because he uses . cmd file, which immediately starts the setup.exe installation of the install.wim file. Actually they do the same thing as the WinNTSetup installer from MS-DOS. The idea is certainly interesting, but I haven’t tried it exactly as he suggests yet.
OK, I'll try this by removing index 1. Another thing, I've never used FAR. Is it necessary for removal? Any basic tips for selecting folders to remove, please.
Only in FAR you can delete the DELETED folder. Apart from this folder and the SysWOW64 folder, you do not need to delete anything else.
Okay finished trying the new code with both choices, and you guys correct. The problem is because I'm running the script from Win 11 IOT LTSC. with still remains 1 error on slim build that is Code: =========================================================== Remove All ProvisionedAppxPackages =========================================================== Microsoft.SecHealthUI_1000.26100.1.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe Error: 15610 Removal failed. Please contact your software vendor. I think this error might be because Windows 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC 24H2 don't have it, maybe? No error using no slim build but there's no list of images on both choices : Code: ============================================================ Found the following images in ISO/DVD: ============================================================ * Choose image index and press Enter: but since I know what number to put in, it still go on to finish it. here's the log EDIT : Looks like there's a bug when choose to keep store, the script still always remove the ms store.
Can anyone tell me what's wrong with this line? Spoiler Code: echo. ECHO. ECHO ============================================================ ECHO Integration of language packs for the boot.wim file ECHO ============================================================ dism /image:"%~dp0BootMount" /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%~dp0\w10MUI\Langs" Writes: Error: 87 Unknown add-package parameter.
It may be the same issue I'm experiencing with Windows 11 as host. Try using dism 10.22621 or 19041 to see what happens...
I have already found a partial solution. But removing Microsoft.SecHealthUI is still problematic. I think I have found a solution for this today.
You can try this code, it works for me Spoiler for /f %%x in ('dir /b "%~dp0mount\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.SecHealthUI*"') do (rd /q /s "%~dp0mount\Program Files\WindowsApps\%%x") Or this one Spoiler for %%u in (Microsoft.SecHealthUI) do ( for /f "tokens=1 delims=" %%a in ('dir /b /ad "%~dp0mount\Program Files\WindowsApps" 2^>nul ^| find /i "%%u"') do (rd /s /q "%~dp0mount\Program Files\WindowsApps\%%a") ) for %%u in (SecHealthUI) do ( for /f "tokens=1 delims=" %%a in ('dir /b /ad "%~dp0mount\Program Files\WindowsApps" 2^>nul ^| find /i "%%u"') do ( echo Removing %%a from Disk rd /s /q "%~dp0mount\Program Files\WindowsApps\%%a" ) )