I also wanted to point out that despite the fact that cleaning the image takes place without errors, in fact the script does not clean everything. Because the size of the resulting image is obscenely large. Of course, I’ll try this as your cleaning option, and I’ll let you know about the test results. I tried it with image 26100.1 and image 26100.1742 in both versions. The result is the same: the image is not unpacked into the DVD folder. It just creates an empty sources folder and nothing else. Next the script is interrupted ... Apparently you were in a hurry with these scripts. And here, both in the version with NSudo and in the version with TAKEOWN, as they say: find two differences?! Maybe someone sees them, but personally I don’t. Spoiler Code: "%~dp0tools\%HostArchitecture%\NSudo.exe" -U:T -P:E "%~dp024H2_Integrator_8.2.cmd" "%~dp0tools\%HostArchitecture%\NSudo.exe" -U:T -P:E "%~dp024H2_Integrator_8.3.cmd"
If not "%ISOName%"=="" ( If Exist "DVD" rd /s /q "DVD" >nul 2>&1 "%~dp0tools\%HostArchitecture%\7z.exe" x -y -o"DVD" "%ISOName%" If not "%ISOName%"=="" ( If Exist "temp\DVD" rd /s /q "temp\DVD" >nul 2>&1 "%~dp0tools\%HostArchitecture%\7z.exe" x -y -o"temp\DVD" "%ISOName%"
Sorry, but haste makes waste. I forgot to remove the code to reduce sources. These have now been tested. password: mdl2025
I'm trying both modes because sometimes the cleaning isn't complete with nsudo... When I adjust the most appropriate mode better, we'll stick with just one.
Hmm, either the translation distorts what I want to convey to you and we don’t understand each other, or are you persistently making the same mistake? In the script 24H2_Integrator_8.2_with_TAKEOWN you will execute the script as NSudo.exe Spoiler Code: "%~dp0tools\%HostArchitecture%\NSudo.exe" -U:T -P:E "%~dp024H2_Integrator_8.2.cmd" At the same time, in the script 24H2_Integrator_8.3_with_NSudo you are executing the same command?! Spoiler Code: "%~dp0tools\%HostArchitecture%\NSudo.exe" -U:T -P:E "%~dp024H2_Integrator_8.3.cmd" And the takeown.exe file itself is not in your tool. I don’t understand how you use takeown.exe in your script.
I only referred to the codes for cleaning install.wim. See the difference below: Adjusted Cleaning install.wim with TAKEOWN (only partial...) Adjusted Cleaning install.wim with NSUDO (only partial...) I'm trying to check which of the modes is more effective in cleaning.
Now I understand, thanks for the clarification, and now I will also check and see the difference in the size of the resulting image.
I checked it on image 26100.1, I got the following install.wim file sizes (mode Slim): 1. Cleaning install.wim with TAKEOWN (4,159 Gb) 2. Cleaning install.wim with NSUDO (4,190 Gb) So for now it’s something like this (didn't change anything in the script), we are looking for other solutions to reduce the size of the install.wim file
What does it matter, they are almost unambiguous in effectiveness. In additions to the script, he used the NTLite program, and it cleans the image normally. It’s just a pity that this program doesn’t want to be friends with me (sarcasm).
You have installed update 3194. When I try to install with 3037, the error occurs. I will investigate further... Could you send me the LOG file please.