It should be in your current working directory. But you can also specify full path, eg: Code: dism /Online /Add-ProvisionedAppxPackage /PackagePath:"C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\Microsoft.HEVCVideoExtension_2.0.61591.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe.appxbundle" /SkipLicense
@wkeller Have given any thought to perhaps separating out the registry keys from the script into a standalone file so people can choose to add/edit/remove keys for personal choice? maybe even the tasks/services I have a personal connection i usually run via a batch manually after setting up user account, but it might be nice to have these applied to as per your easy slimdown recent ISO fiddling is the first time in a logn while ive bothered to make a custom Windows ISO, because of the ease of the script...been a few years since i used to make golden images for large scale deployments - not always fun I fully understand if you dont want to make these changes as like most folks/devs on here this is probably just a personal project you decided to share and dont want to turn into an extended thing because of time or maintenenance concerns (i fully undertstand this as i have projects that have snowballed myself )
Um, apparently not? v1.52 Software Protection is still going absolutely nuts in the event viewer. I could be wrong, but it seems this causes my audio to go silent, completely. I know the two don't seem related (to me anyway) but every now and then lately, my audio just stops, and while I am fumbling around trying to see if I accidentally muted it or turned my speakers off or something, and wind up checking event viewer for errors, all I see is the Software Protection spam. It was doing it just now even with "SVCTrigger" scheduled task disabled (was left on by default), and I disabled that because of the spam before. Checked Software Protection service (SPPSVC) and it was manual/running. Killed it and audio resumed. Why change it to manual if it's just going to run and cause errors anyway? I put the following in the registry to block the (greyed out) service, but don't know what the long term result of that will be yet other than stopping error spam. My point do we pre-prevent all this on the ISO via slimdown10 in the first place? Code: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\sppsvc] "Start"=dword:00000004
Obviously I meant unactivated, but I'm sure you got it. For the error itself I really don't know, maybe MS is starting to add cruft to spp, because the upcoming subscription model...
I wasn't sure what you meant actually because I don't really know what all SPP does, thought you may have been referring to root certificates or something, but yeah, activation is not a problem for me. It seems to me we have managed to break SPP but not remove it completely. I'm thinking it is either not required and should be totally nuked, or just left alone if it is required, and going to cause issues if broken. Modify the "Slimdown10.cmd" to this? Or would this just cause new problems? REM Set Software Protection Platform service to disabled, disable logging and remove tasks reg add "HKLM\TK_SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\sppsvc" /v "Start" /t REG_DWORD /d "4" /f >nul etc. etc. *snip*
Well if spp dosen't start it doesn't crash either. The it's responsible of managing activation of Windows, MS office... (albeit in win 10 and I guess 11, clipsvc has ha role as well) Just pay attention that the above reg command is meant for offline modding (I guess it comes from MSMG). For online you need HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\sppsvc or just open it with plain regedit (launching it from nsudo or similar program if needed)
Thank you very much for a great wall for 22H2. I would like to use a higher version of DISM, but my attempts to change end with failure. Please advice on how to do it ?? zdenda2021
Quick and lazy way? Just get MSMG. Inside the package you'll find an updated DISM bundle for W10 and for older systems. Just unpack it and launch DISM using the absolute path the the updated exe rather than just "dism"
I tried this option, but without success. I have msmg in C: \ msmg. I would like to start the new DISM from the Slim10152 \ Tools \ AMD64 \ Dism.exe directory, but it fails to start it. I do not know how to set it in the slimdown10.cmd.díky very much for help. Zdenda2021
Just replace all occurrences of Dism.exe With C:\Slim10152\Tools\AMD64\Dism.exe assuming we are talking of a folder in C: (which is not clear from your message)
Edited for clarity that: That was a modified version of what's in the Slimdown10.cmd. Checking if that would be a safe way to do it (during ISO creation) so I would not have problems with a clean install. Offline for my current install, yeah, I just changed the registry, like post #689
Currently I have disabled event logs in my system, so I have forgotten about it. As I have no logs at all (I don't need them on my desktop PC). I will investigate it later however. Anyway, it is cosmetic and outside event logs it doesn't seem to cause any issues.