You should really learn to deploy and to use the LZX compression (if on SSD) This is an untouched, freshly installed x86 Win 10
Mine is x64 win 10 - compressed LZX - AND USED since installation and compression - (you know that opened "things" - if you add something - they decompress) - so now it is as it is. And i know how to "compress" And I wrote that with drivers and programs. "You should really learn to implement and use LZX compression (if on SSD)" I can do it - you already wrote how to do it. I'm watching your posts.
And for "modification" I used your sku and "reworked" - By me - branding - (I also used your info on this)
winclub mods that I personally hate. These mods are closed source black boxes and heavily crippled, broken OSes. Not to mention about breaking licenses. I will never use them, because I prefer open source and non-aggressive way, based on Microsoft's official documentations whenever possible. As you can see, I do not remove system files anywhere what these modders almost always do.
Good just a bit of nitpicking, given LZX is stupid and not inherit the compression status, is better to use the claassic ntfs compression, on most variable folders (like /users /programdata log folders and so on). Or (even better) compress the whole disk with the ntfs compression, capture the image and restore it with the LZX switch. This way any static file will be compressed using LZX, but any modified/new file will be compressed using the ntfs compression (as opposite as not compressed at all). Unfortunately (AFAIK) there is no other way to keep both compressions enabled using the GUI or the command line. Capture and reapply is the only way.
I installed windows 10 created using your script, but I would like to enter an admin password, but it is disabled by default. Does this seem like a serious security flaw to me? Can I (how) set it to default? Everything else works for me...
If the built-in Administrator account is disabled, it cannot be used for logins at all. Even if it was enabled, it could not be used for any remote logins until it gets a password assigned. IOW, accounts without password work only locally.
Use Start -> Run, and type this command: Code: reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PolicyManager\default\Settings\AllowSignInOptions" /v "value" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f It will be unlocked (re-enabled). or you can type command: Code: lusrmgr.msc and set password there.
I wrote that I would test again. I did not write that I will install non-IoT by entering a serial number...
Still, no answer. Why to install IoT when non-IoT can be converted to IoT after installation ? It is just few clicks.
[ QUOTE = "wkeller, post: 1804377, člen: 190847" ] Použitie Štart - > Spustiť, a napíšte tento príkaz: [ KÓD ] reg pridať "HKLM \ SOFTVÉR \ Microsoft \ PolicyManager \ default \ Settings \ AllowSignInOptions" / v "value" / t REG_DWORD / d 1 / f [ / CODE ] Bude odomknutý ( znovu povolený ). alebo môžete zadať príkaz: [ KÓD ] lustrmgr.msc [ / KÓD ] a tam nastavte heslo. [/QUOTE ] Thank you very much for your reply!
I am sorry, but English is not my native language and I have inadvertently inserted the text from the translator into my answer.Thanks for understanding!