Security restrictions when installed is preventing Windows Store apps from accessing the internet, or if I install msix package to install app manually, it also cannot access internet. Is there a service / registry setting I can change to fix this?
DISM, even when updated to the ADK one, will not properly integrate updates on Win7 and fail with error 87. We had that issue before, with other tools. Always use an up-to-date machine for the ISO preparation and creation and there will be likely no problems.
It's all a mess. On some machines it works, on others it doesn't. And nobody knows why. With an up-to-date machine, you're usually on the safe side.
Hello When I update window it stuck Preparing to configure Windows. Don't turn off your computer. How to fix it?
I'm a bit late and maybe you have solved the Problem by yourself. Replace with in the "hfixes_ltsc.txt", then its working! Greetings
I dont understand why you guys will use these fake uupdump sites nobody knows whats behind those fake copy sites, is passed out and there is only one to go for now its uupdump app.,
...and installing Update KB5031356 (10OCT2023 19045.3570) force installed Edge, and Webview2. I knew it was just a matter of time. This garbage installs the full browser in at least three different folders taking up over 1.5 GB. @#$% Micro$oft! *%#@ing @#$% them right in the @#$%ing #$$!
I checked and all the downloaded files are digitally signed by M$ ! I provided only a solution to solve the download problem, cause the links in this downloadscript here are not working. I don't know how to use this UUP Dump App, for downloading the languagepacks... Maybe you can explain? Greetings
Greetings to all and especially @wkeller, before in this thread I begged for instructions on how to help this great program remove: Notepad, Wordpad and Painting. So far no one has reacted. Please help. Zdenda2021
It depends on the version you want to modify. I use it like this: 1 - I run the scripts below to obtain the lists of: a - ProvisionedAppxPackage b - Capabilities echo. echo Mount install.wim mkdir mount dism /mount-wim /wimfile:install.wim /index:1 /MountDir:mount echo. echo Listing ProvisionedAppxPackages for /f "tokens=2 delims=: " %%i in ('dism /image:mount /Get-ProvisionedAppxPackages ^| find /I "PackageName"') do echo %%i >ProvisionedAppxPackage.txt echo. echo Listing Capabilities dism /image:mount /Get-Capabilities >Capabilities.txt :: This will create the list of all ProvisionedAppxPackage.txt and Capabilities.txt files, in the folder next to the script 2 - Once you have these lists, examine them carefully and create a txt file with the name of only those that you want to remove and place these two files in a folder, for example "Files", within the working directory, where the install.wim that you are going to modify is located, next to the script 3 - Run the script below to remove ProvisionedAppxPackage and Capabilities: echo. echo =========================================================== echo Removing Provisioned Appx Packages echo =========================================================== for /f %%x in ('findstr /i . files\ProvisionedAppxPackage.txt 2^>nul') do ( echo Removing %%x dism /english /quiet /image:mount /Remove-ProvisionedAppxPackage /Packagename:%%x ) echo. echo =========================================================== echo Removing capabilities... echo =========================================================== for /f %%x in ('findstr /i . files\Capabilities.txt 2^>nul') do ( echo Removing %%x dism /english /quiet /image:mount /Remove-Capability /CapabilityName:%%x ) NOTE: Notepad and Wordpad must appear in the Capabilities.txt list and Paint must be in the ProvisionedAppxPackage.txt list All credits to @xinso, who helps us a lot with his tips and scripts! Good luck!
Can anyone tell me how to enable recent files / commands in slimmed WIN10 OS ?? I want windows to remember this .. its more practical.. Lets say that i input a command in /Start menu / Run ... to open 'cmd' or 'regedit' or whatever.. after reboot windows does not present a list (history) .. Better yet.. is there a part of the script that can be edited , in order to make this possible ?? Thanks
Open a command prompt as administrator and type: Code: Reg delete "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer" /v "ClearRecentDocsOnExit" /f Reboot. If you want to modify the script Slimdown10.cmd, comment or remove the line: Code: Reg add "HKLM\TK_NTUSER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer" /v "ClearRecentDocsOnExit" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f >nul