Slimdown10 – turn Windows 10 22H2 or LTSC 2021 into classic/legacy Windows

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by Deleted member 190847, Feb 15, 2023.

  1. Logon

    Logon MDL Junior Member

    May 31, 2008
    Since I'm not the author of the script it doesn't seem like a simple and quick task, it takes time and patience.

    However, if you set the "SSDP Discovery" service from Disabled to Automatic and start it then you will be able to keep the above mentioned setting, but I don't know if it will be enough to be able to connect your two PCs.

    As said, it takes time and patience, since the purpose of the script is precisely to disable any element potentially dangerous for privacy and/or security, sharing tasks included.
  2. SunLion

    SunLion MDL Addicted

    May 11, 2011
    #1002 SunLion, Dec 11, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2023
    I researched a little and found nothing FTP
    I found something about internet configuration on lines 2425, 2539, 2559, 2565 and 2569.
  3. Lywzc

    Lywzc MDL Junior Member

    Jan 21, 2019
    I will try it tomorrow. Currently I am working on several Windows 7 PCs for my working place and my own Windows 10 PC bought recently. It came preinstalled with Windows 11 so I reinstalled vanilla Windows 10, both ftp and file sharing works fine, as it should. But I found it too full of bloat and unwanted services which is why I used this script. And now ftp stopped working so I can not share files from my phone to my PC easily since ftp client is already part of my PC setup. File sharing using LAN stopped working too, which prevent me from transfering large amounts of data from Win10 to Win7 easily.
  4. Logon

    Logon MDL Junior Member

    May 31, 2008
    Yes, I had guessed it, after all, connecting 2 PCs with a network cable shouldn't be difficult at all, right? ;)

    If just running that service alone didn't work straight away, try enabling some related service that you will find disabled and reboot (I did, but I didn't have time enough to take note of everything I did).
  5. Logon

    Logon MDL Junior Member

    May 31, 2008
    In order to maintain the above settings 2 services must be running:
    1) "SSDP Discovery" first, and then
    2) UPnP Device Host.
    Please set them as Automatic and start them and/or reboot the machine.
    Since as said I don't have 2 PCs at the moment I can't test that the connection between 2 PCs works, however.
  6. tcntad

    tcntad MDL Guru

    Oct 26, 2009
    I dont know why people wont be clear. computers still need to be on the same subnet/net and you may have to tell the pc what IP the other PC has using hosts, also FW's may have to be configured.

    Remember you're using a SlimdownISO, its way different from an untouched
  7. monstrocity

    monstrocity MDL Junior Member

    Jun 4, 2016
  8. User4713

    User4713 MDL Novice

    Jan 16, 2015
    guys, i need to use MS teams and my webcam, can i still use slimdown10 ?? Thank you !!!
  9. Dude Guyman

    Dude Guyman MDL Senior Member

    Jun 20, 2017
    Assuming they are in the same subnet(?). aaa.bbb.ccc.01 > aaa.bbb.ccc.02 > aaa.bbb.ccc.03, etc. Mine do not just "see" them because I have network discovery and all that off and the router gets the internet IP from my ISP/WAN then I manually assign everything else in the LAN. I just type the ip address directly, "\\aaa.bbb.ccc.02", but as I said, I manually assign them. Unless you are connection sharing via PC-a having two network adapters, then PC-a adapter-a would get the IP from ISP and you could manually assign adapter-b to be in the subnet with PC-b? Not sure the exact scenario, so just disregard my rambling if I am off track here.
  10. whitestar_999

    whitestar_999 MDL Addicted

    Dec 9, 2011
    It is recommended not to use any such "de-bloating" script if you plan on using somethings provided by default in windows.

    Bloated & unwanted services are relative terms unless they are making your pc crawl or at least significantly slower (aka not few seconds slower boot/shutdown/in general). I would rather have a windows with dozen extra services running & taking few seconds longer to boot if that means I won't have to spend hours on forums looking for a fix/script to make something work which otherwise work fine on a normal windows install. With 16gb ram & a ssd the only thing I ever found "unnecessary" in a typical win 10 education/enterprise version is auto updates for which I started using WUMT. I also tried LTSC version of win 10 but since I never click on app store in non-ltsc windows & got used to UWP calculator app I found no difference between using LTSC win 10 & education/enterprise win 10 other than opening the task manager & seeing fewer no. of processes & maybe 1-2 GB less ram usage.

    P.S. I know many ppl don't like search highlights option in start menu search bar in win 10 but I found it interesting as it gives daily a sort of something new to know.
  11. drew84

    drew84 MDL Expert

    Mar 13, 2014
    Sad to see him go

    ... think someone should at least mention that (unfortunately) this and all of @wkeller's other projects
    should now be consiidered as permenently abandoned, and even more disappointing for his followers,
    will not be continued elsewhere... (as stated by the author)
  12. hoak

    hoak MDL Senior Member

    Nov 13, 2009
    #1012 hoak, Dec 15, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2023
    This is sad! (but not surprising*) wkeller's script is/has been one of the best supported, most comprehensive and well explained scripts for removing crap, spyware/telemetry, and other cruft from Window 10 for performance, privacy, and depending on your approach though no claim made made -- security with the smaller attack surface.

    The level of support that was offered here by one person exceeds what you'll get with most costly commercial software, and as a one man show, it's been an extraordinary effort, that has gone underappreciated...

    I will also miss wkeller for his polite, fact focused, results oriented posts. Sadly I too well understand his reaction to the onerous, obnoxious trolls that unfortunately run rough-shod on these forums, that have for reasons that can be nothing other than petty jealousy and have trolled this thread relentlessly.

    The individual (you know who you are) that suggested wkeller is some kind of "cry baby" and have literally called him that, blame me; I reported your obnoxious posts to have them removed, not him, come after me!

    Wojciech, all I can say, is I understand, but I hope you do as well -- that there are far more people that appreciate you, have benefitted enormously from all your work and effort you've made here, and while many may not understand how much is involved, I and as many others do, will miss you, and hope you do appear in some other venue!

    Intellige quid agatur
  13. raptorddd

    raptorddd MDL Addicted

    Aug 17, 2019
    i also reported him. just as soon as he wrote the messages.
    it was minutes after he wrote it. ithat i reported.
  14. hoak

    hoak MDL Senior Member

    Nov 13, 2009
    #1014 hoak, Dec 15, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2023
    1. There is no shame in abandoning a free, open source project, there is in suggesting there should be.
    2. It is and remains a great.
    3. Windows 10 isn't being updated either.
    4. Slimdown10 is FOSS.
    5. if you think it needs more to meet your specific use case to be great you can do it yourself.
    6. wkeller has done more than a good job of helping anyone that needs something more specific a great start to getting there...
    7. Suggesting wkeller could not listen to constructive criticism is beyond asinine and rude.​

    This last point warrants more comment: wekeller was very specific about what he intended, everything he's offered here is FREE, OPEN SOURCE, wkeller doesn't owe you or anyone anything as far as what your idea of what is constructive for their special needs. Very few probably even donated, did you and are you feeling slighted on that basis? If yes, your donation was a choice, and wkeller made no promises or warranty of any kind what so ever.

    The entitled attitudes here are as shocking as the revolting trolling on this forum that turned wkeller off...
  15. Logon

    Logon MDL Junior Member

    May 31, 2008
    I also believe that he is a person of great value, since this script concept and its realization does work simply perfect.

    However, trolling is self-explanatory and should be put under moderation, it won't be easy to do, but it should be done. IMO
    Throwing in the towel on trolling is ridiculous because the fact that trolling exists is not up to you and should not bring you down too long.
    I know what it means because I've experienced it firsthand, but I also know that it's out of self-love and should therefore be ignored by themselves.

    If any reader is not able to understand that what he reads is trolling then even his appreciation is worth nothing, in my opinion trolls don't deserve any kind of reply (except the moderation mode).

    In my opinion the OP quit for other reasons, not trolling, since there are many examples of so very capable people who ignore trolling and become an absolute reference in their field.

    I'm sure he'll come back, because this stuff is their obsession.
    They could not make a good living without dedicating themselves to their obsession.
  16. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    I was particularly sad about our master's departure and I would say that I have never seen anyone with so much knowledge of the Dism tool and my system has never had any bsod or anything like that, may God protect him and may he achieve even more wisdom ;)
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  17. Godwyn

    Godwyn MDL Novice

    Aug 12, 2022
    I'm using WIndows 10 with Slimdown10 v1.60 installed, how can I update it to v2.02 without deleting files and without clean install?
  18. mooty221

    mooty221 MDL Novice

    Aug 11, 2016
    What a shame. Thanks for all your work wkeller.
  19. Logon

    Logon MDL Junior Member

    May 31, 2008
    Please note that Slimdown1o is not "installed" at all on your running Windows 10: it is a (great) script that creates a new ISO unbloated of all the things described in post #1.
    The new ISO does install a modified Windows 10 compared to the original one you provided.
    Since the above, I think it's a bit difficult to achieve your goal, although you could however try to re-install it by "updating" your previous installation of Windows, but I cannot predict the result (and anyway I do not like that idea, if not in "extreme" situations).
    Before you possibly do this, please create a backup image of your current Windows installation.
  20. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    @Logon I agree 100%
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