Hi SunLion. I really like your script, but it has one more bug, when the files are extracted from iso, the executable files (cmd, iso-image) are deleted, all further work stops, when manually using ultra-iso I extract the files from iso-image to the DVD folder everything is fine and without errors. If this problem could be solved, it would be priceless. Do you understand my written explanation or not? Maybe I should record this whole process on video so you can watch it? Sorry for my bad English.
ru-ru_windows_11_enterprise_ltsc_2024_x64_dvd_f9af5773 ru-ru_windows_11_business_editions_version_24h2_x64_dvd_f9b9b5d6 Original images from Microsoft
Re win 11 using 24H2_Integrator5.4.cmd I have note pad in the uwp exclusion list "Microsoft.WindowsNotepad" though it still is being removed? Also what part of the script needs to be edited to retain WMP12?
I just ran a test on Windows 11 Host. See the attached log file. I used the attached scripts, which can be used inside the same folder as 24H2_Integrator. This issue was occurring because of DISM set as default when using Windows 11 Host. Take these scripts and run a new test. password: MDL2024 PS. Let me know if everything goes well.
To not remove WMP, modify the line below: ECHO ============================================================ ECHO Removing capabilities... ECHO ============================================================ OF: set "RemoveCapabilities=App.StepsRecorder,App.Support.QuickAssist,Hello.Face,OneCoreUAP.OneSync,Browser.InternetExplorer,Media.WindowsMediaPlayer" TO: set "RemoveCapabilities=App.StepsRecorder,App.Support.QuickAssist,Hello.Face,OneCoreUAP.OneSync,Browser.InternetExplorer"
Note that: %DISM% = 19041.1 when Host is Windows 11 The error occurs when exporting the chosen index.
Does 26100 have WMP12? Otherwise I'm stumped! Here is what I have already as you mention above. Code: set "RemoveCapabilities=App.StepsRecorder,App.Support.QuickAssist,Hello.Face,OneCoreUAP.OneSync,Browser.InternetExplorer" for %%p in (%RemoveCapabilities%) do ( for /f "tokens=3 delims=: " %%a in ('start "" /b "%DISM%" /English /Image:"%~dp0mount" /Get-Capabilities ^| find "Capability Identity" ^| find "%%p"') do ( echo %%a %DISM% /English /quiet /Image:"%~dp0mount" /Remove-Capability /CapabilityName:"%%a" )
I thought I read in earlier posts that if you include a browser e.g. vivaldi.exe in the extra scripts folder it would be installed. Is that correct?
I don't know if it's WMP11 or 12. Edit. I researched and on Windows 11 it is WMP11 that comes with it. The code seems to be correct, so it doesn't remove WMP.
Did you use this complete package? If so, I don't know what could be happening. Everything works without errors here. Did you remember to disable the antivirus and remove the script folder in the antivirus settings?
I know all these rules like the Lord's Prayer and strictly observe them. It's already late to rest, thank you for your efforts.
I made a small adjustment to the script. In tests here it worked without errors. Please try it yourself. password: MDL2024