Strange, because there is nothing in the script to remove the DVD folder. Maybe you removed the folder without realizing it. Using the mouse sometimes confuses us.
I think you're right, ran now as expected & working. Tested in a VM, wmp is all good. Now what do I need to do to retain the generic windows Notepad app?
There is no need to edit the script. In fact, Notepad is already preserved and available. See the attached images.
Thanks SunLion I found the error in my way I edited too much in the script! Redone this now & all is working as expected. I will keep testing this & soon may well switch over to Win 11 as my main OS. One other thing is it possible to enable "Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux "?
By default Slimdown10 will install .NET Framework 3.5 (EnableNetFx3=1). If you are like me and you don't want to install .NET 3.5, but you still want to use (most) apps which require .NET 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, there is a way. If your app name is BlaBla.exe than just create a file BlaBla.exe.config with this content: Code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <configuration> <startup> <supportedRuntime version="v4.0"/> </startup> </configuration> That's it, it should work with most .NET apps. EDIT: Wrong thread again. You should really open new Slimdown11 thread.
I ran the "24H2_Integrator6.2_WMP" with 26100.1.240331-1435.ge_release_CLIENT_ENTERPRISES_OEM_x64FRE_en-us as my iso. It completed correctly, log showed no errors, and that the DVD folder had the expanded iso files. Wim info: Index : 1 Name : Windows 11 Enterprise LTSC Description : Windows 11 Enterprise LTSC Size : 18,090,528,617 bytes Was it suppose to create a new iso file? I created the iso using ocdimg, I look forward to installing it. Little thing, going through the log, I copied start time and scrolled down to the end and pasted along side finish time just to compare. I thought wouldn't that be cool if the script put along side the finish time was the: "Total run time xx hrs, xx min, xx sec". Then I spent a half hour looking for how it could be done and gave up.
It gives the expanded DVD files, you can easily make an ISO file by using this code: Code: LS @echo off TITLE Creating ISO Image of Miscrosoft Windows Eleven ECHO. ECHO Your image is now being created. Make sure oscdimg.exe is present. ECHO. ECHO Creating your ISO... oscdimg -bC:\Win11\boot\ -u1 -d -m -h -leleven_EN_DVD C:\Win11\ C:\Win11.iso ECHO. PAUSE EXIT Just adjust your paths to suit.
Hi Sergey, please look where there is an error in my code - the script packs the image into the DVD folder, but does not create the Mount folder and does not mount the image: Spoiler Code: ECHO. ECHO ============================================================ ECHO Mounting installation image %maxindex% ECHO ============================================================ If Exist "%Mount%" rd /q /s "%Mount%" If not Exist "%Mount%" mkdir "%Mount%" If not Exist "%~dp0Mount" mkdir "%~dp0Mount" "%DISM11%" /english /Mount-Wim /WimFile:"%WIM%" /index:%%i /MountDir:"%~dp0Mount%" And in this place too please: ECHO. ECHO ============================================================ ECHO Setting environment path for the Windows setup ECHO ============================================================ Set "Mount=%~dp0Mount" Set "%~dp0Mount=%Mount%\Install" Set "WIM=%~dp0DVD\sources\install.wim" Set "WimTemp=%~dp0DVD\sources\install_temp.wim"
Here is the all.txt file, updated to version 26100.2605. Copy it to the UUP folder, replacing the existing file there. That's it. Enjoy
This is a little different from what I asked you about, but still thank you very much for the work done - we will test it!
I've got a question about an "ERROR: Access is denied." in the original v2.02 (and 202-64 continued). Using a WIN10 Enterprise 22H2 19045.5247 from UUP Dump (as usual). Maybe one of you have already sorted this or can tell me if I should just ignore it or what. It may have been doing this all along with all the other times I've made working ISOs and I just didn't happen to look at the moment this error flew by. I looked through the script from the fairly long section between "Applying Settings" to "Disabling trackers/loggers..." and could not find anything that jumped out at me as odd. The script continues to run normally and produces an ISO that seems good, but I have not tried to install from it yet. Waiting/preparing for an incoming, new graphics card. Code: ===================================== Mounting registry ===================================== ======================================== Applying settings... ======================================== ERROR: Access is denied. ======================================== Disabling trackers/loggers... ======================================== Disabling tracker Circular Kernel Context Logger Disabling tracker DiagLog ...script continues