This is a mistake on my part, well, there are simply no words, I didn’t even think about the paths in these tweaks, shame on me on my gray (actually bald) head. Thank you very much buddy for the tip! It's already about one in the morning, tomorrow I'll fix everything and try. Once again, thank you so much!!! I just can’t calm down, how could I make such a mistake, yeah ...
I tried to apply these two files without WIM_ - still these .reg files were not applied to the image. I’ll also try to specify TK_ instead of WIM_, maybe it will work, but I’m not sure about it anymore.
Hi. You should have tweaks without TK_ and without WIM_ And also, do you have these lines of code in your script? Look! Spoiler ECHO. ECHO. ECHO ============================================================================= ECHO Adding Reg into install.wim image ECHO ============================================================================= If Exist "Tweaks\Temp" rd /q /s "Tweaks\Temp" 1>nul 2>nul mkdir "Tweaks\Temp" PowerShell -Executionpolicy Bypass -File "%~dp0tools\%HostArchitecture%\ConvertReg.ps1" "Tweaks" "Tweaks\Temp" for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('"dir /b "Tweaks\Temp\*.reg"" 2^>nul') do ( ECHO Importing [%%i] to Image Registry... REGEDIT.exe /s REG IMPORT "Tweaks\Temp\%%i" ) rd /q /s "Tweaks\Temp" 1>nul 2>nul
Please provide me with the link to the 22621.1 Enterprise LTSC that you used. I plan to test it. Thanks.
Sun Lion wich script is the last online script.? or better yet. do you happen to have scripts organized. like if i only want all scripts that increase performance. so i can add them to my script. thanks in advance.
that's what I have done, but at the end, on repack on an iso bitdefender find that W10 Tweaker is positive..and virus total is very very positive...for what tweak is it for??