@letmeindude I managed to get the script to remove 8dot3Name to work. I created a separate script to be called by the main script, in the same way as W10UI. It works well. But I still have a question: - should it be run at the beginning, before integrating the updates - or would it be better at the end, after everything is ready. I'll have to do more tests.
At the end would be better, because maybe user didn't disable 8dot3Name creation for the working partition, so at the end will strip any new 8dot3Name.
Tested with the process at the beginning and it works well. Everything is removed and already includes the tweak to Disables 8dot3 name creation for all volumes on the system Since this process must occur separately, it is better at the beginning. After that, the main script continues normally. I will publish it in the next update.
I think both are correct. Note that the script will delete the existing 8dot3 files in the install.wim before anything else. In the same script there is a command to prevent the creation of new 8dot3 files. Until we do concrete tests, I believe we are solving both situations.
By default Slimdown10 will install .NET Framework 3.5 (EnableNetFx3=1). If you are like me and you don't want to install .NET 3.5, but you still want to use (most) apps which require .NET 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, there is a way. If your app name is BlaBla.exe than just create a file BlaBla.exe.config with this content: Code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <configuration> <startup> <supportedRuntime version="v4.0"/> </startup> </configuration> That's it, it should work with most .NET apps.
There are several other NTFS tweaks that depending on whether you're using SDDs or HDDs can substantially improve i/o performance. One that's right up there with 8.3 names is last access time & date stamps, if you don't need them -- and most Windows use cases don't. Disabling this doesn't just just improve disk i/o performance by not stamping dates, it offers performance improvements in trafficking less, and less variegated NTFS data attached to each file, and Windows has a lot of files... The command for disabling last access is: Code: fsutil behavior set disablelastaccess 0
In the latest tests, when adding the code below, an error occurs during installation, right after the first reboot (attached image). In the tests without the code above everything runs fine, without errors. So, at first I will not add this code. We will see later.
Slimdown10 already has command for disabling Last Access Time stamp (line 1392): Code: echo fsutil behavior set disableLastAccess ^1 ^>nul 2^>^&^1>>"%~dp0mount\Windows\Setup\Scripts\SetupComplete.cmd" But if you want to do it using registry try this: Code: :: Disable Last Access Time stamp reg add "HKLM\TK_SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem" /v "NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate" /t REG_DWORD /d "2147483649" /f
LOL, I missed that! The other fairly common NTFS tweak is to increase the paged pool memory limit allocated to NTFS. This only increases performance with some disk intensive workloads and only if you have adequate memory. On systems with 32Gb or more -- there's little chance increasing the paged pool memory limit will ever be a hindrance to any other memory intensive application or game, but it may not do anything to improve performance either. Examples where this helps are game engines and applications that present workloads that are disk r/w intensive, like nonlinear video editing, audio post production and mixing, and game engines like Real Virtuality 2 that stream a lot of data from disk. Raising the limit can even ameliorate hitching and stuttering. All of these are easy to change once Windows is installed, but it may be nice for some that know what the better setting will be for how they're going to use that installation to have it all pre-configured. The command line to set the maximum limit is (where the default value is "0"): Code: fsutil behavior set memoryusage 2 Or in the Windows Registry: Code: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem (Change the following value from 0 to 2: NtfsMemoryUsage=2)] Again, in most cases where there's enough RAM there will be no net performance gain, but no performance hit either, but with some workloads there can be a very nice uplift.
He's wrong on this one: He didn't search for Unicode strings. NtfsMemoryUsage string is present also in ntfs.sys and in SCHEMA.DAT. Yes, on Windows 7.
Slimdown10_v2.0.2 (continued) Update for 1904x.5247.1.14 December 10. 2024 https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/slimdown10_v2-0-2-continued.88599/
Sorry, I didn't understand this question. I couldn't find this command in the updated script (SD10v202_64). And in the tests everything worked fine. Please clarify further.