Hi, due to a motherboard crash i had to change it. Now i'm looking for the right tool to tattoo my board back. My motherboard is a from Quanta id: 30B7. My laptop is a Dv6241eu (RY596EA#ABF). So if someone can point me to the right NbDmiFit with the right. Thanks.
Thanks...I successfully activated Windows 7 on my Y580 using the utility. I would like to use the utility for a 2.2 SLIC for Server 2012 and would be grateful for some advice. The SLP2MARK.BIN appears to be the last 182 bytes of the LENOVO[CB-01]2.1-003B5CC5.BIN in the latest 'OEMCERT_AND_SLICS' file. Could I take the last 182 bytes of the Lenovo 2.2 LENOVO[SV-INT]2.2-A5D652D4.BIN and use that with the MARKER.EXE instead of the default SLP2MARK.BIN ?
Its not possible, because the RSDT and XSDT willn't match with Pubkey & Marker. Your proposed trick (may) only be applicable for machines with LENOVO[SV-INT]2.1 SLIC, which are basically Servers and eventually get SLIC 2.2 from bios update from Lenovo.
Hey guys, I have a HP mini 110-1125NR with a newly replaced motherboard which comes up with the Compaq logo and serial number not found error. There was a DMI toolkit last two years ago that was posted with instructions etc now the link is dead. Will also need to have it as a bootable USB version as this netbook doesn't have a optical drive. Can someone help me out with another one like it please? Thank you
Wow, quick response Thank you, hopefully I don't mess things up. 1st time doing this. Thanks once again.
HP PRO 3500 Please mod this bios with slic 2.1 Vendor: HP Date: 2 Feb 2013 Version: 8.14 Rev. A Bios Link : sendspace.com/file/e0iqfm RW reports included Thanks, OdiYaN Solution : hxxp://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/9055-SLP-Marker-File-Update-Utilities?p=909030&viewfull=1#post909030
Hi there, I'm searching for a working SLP marker utility for the Lenovo IdeaPad U510! I've already tested different utilities, but unfortunately the new UEFI BIOS with an integrated Win8 product key is not supported.. I would like to unhide the marker part for a working OEM activation of Win7 - everything else is correct, only the marker is missing! Thanx alot! Peace, OWhopper