SLP Marker File Update Utilities

Discussion in 'BIOS Mods' started by anmg, Aug 31, 2009.

  1. giggso11

    giggso11 MDL Novice

    May 24, 2010
    Hi Mates I purchased Dell optiplex 9010 and I tried the Floppy method and the SVCtag method and it didn't change the SVCtag is there any moded BIOS??
  2. darkgiank

    darkgiank MDL Novice

    Jan 25, 2013
    I need it for the Lenovo Z400 (P400/Z400/Z500 Touch), thank you in advance.
  3. jojo72

    jojo72 MDL Novice

    Nov 15, 2009
    Hello, you do not have someone new utility (HPBFO052.EXE not works) for:
    NTB HP 255 G1
    Bios: F.34
    Type: Insyde

  4. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009
  5. WeAreNotAlone

    WeAreNotAlone MDL Member

    Aug 31, 2007
    Dual boot Win7, Win8

    Hope this is the right thread:

    Setting up Win7 /Win8 Dual boot.

    HP 2320dx laptop, shipped with Win8 (core), Elderly parents bought it right at a year ago, total run-time I'd estimate maybe 5 hrs if that in the last year due to it running Win8.

    Looking to "downgrade" them to Win7 (A OS they can use), and retain the ability to boot into Win8.

    (I'm wondering which settings to change to A: Not fry the Win8 install, and enable dual booting into Win7 Pro /or Ultimate.)

    Using NBDMIFIT Version 1.1D (credit goes to Overmaxx) once into the advanced menu section I see several sections that might apply.

    Currently set to:
    OS Sku=3 (3=Shipped w Win8)

    (In this menu are selections for 0=non vista, 1=vista, 2=Win7, 3=Win8)

    Under "C" in the advanced menu:
    (C)= Win7/8 Configuration

    Going into "C" menu selection it is currently set @ (2)= Win8 core)
    (Selections are 0=China, 1=Single Lang, 2=Core (ML), 3=Professional (Pro)

    I'm thinking that to be able to dual boot, OS-SKU should remain @ (2=Shipped with Win8) and that under the Win7/8 Configuration menu "3" (Pro) should be selected as models with Pro have downgrade rights?

    Q: If "3" Pro is selected, does this convert existing core to pro /and or screw up (deactivate?) the current core install? (deactivate it?)

    Two other sections of interest are:

    A: Channel ID, which is set to 0=Generic BTO/CTO
    (Selection "1" right below it= (1)=HP CTO (Which I think are business models which shipped with Win8 pro/ and or had the ability to order with Win7?)

    B: Image ID:
    (Currently) Set to 0=Standard image

    In this section I see a option #4.
    Selection #4 being "Win7 Downgrade".
    (I would assume this would be set to 4 if shipped with Win7 and does not matter, if the "Pro" flag under (C)= Win7/8 Configuration is set to "3"=Pro Dual Boot is possible.)

    Q: If "3" Pro is selected, does this convert existing core to pro /and or screw up (deactivate?) the current core install? (deactivate it?)

    Any thoughts from the Pros?

  6. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009
    Again me ;)

    Actually the 'downgrade rights' isn't applicable here. For dual-booting with 7, it is perfect to use KMS activation in this case (without messing up the MSDM table).

    Otherwise, selecting OS SKU=2 should theoretically enable the hidden SLIC 2.1 & thus you can easily activate. For OS SKU=2, OS configuration is basically useless (cause all editions use SLIC 2.1) & may be kept for HP's own interest. For OS SKU=3, os configuration is important cause MSDM table should be changed as well.
  7. WeAreNotAlone

    WeAreNotAlone MDL Member

    Aug 31, 2007
    Hi Tito,
    Deleted the post in the bios request thread in regards to the below.
    (Appreciate all the input you've given btw)

    I hope you understand all of this is "old-hat" (already known to you). To me anything Win8 is a "unknown".

    By downgrade rights I was inferring to MS's "policies" on the Pro version vs the core. (EG: You can downgrade) I was under the impression if the unit was shipped with Win8 Pro , whatever markers in the bios that had to be "turned on" were present for both Win8 and Win7 as shipped. That if you were to obtain Win7 media from the mfg, you could pop the disc in, install it and it activates offline.

    OS-Sku = 3=Win8 as shipped on models that came with Win8 "Pro".
    I would think OS-SKU would show (3=Shipped with Win8) and that under the Win7/8 Configuration menu "3" (Pro) would be selected, this retaining whatever markers Win8 is looking for, and "un-hiding" the SLIC 2.1 for Win7)

    That is my impression from a layman's perspective, not knowing all the details.:eek:

    Will setting OS SKU to 2=Win7 from (3=Win8) affect the Win8 install?
    Win7 will activate, won't Win8 go "poof"! (Unless you had access/set up KMS servers, right?)

    (All the posts I've read so far, seem to be focused on Win7 activating... From what I gather posters wanting to get rid of Win8 and go back to Win7... Hence why I'm asking)

    Understand, but don't the advanced menu's (or a manual edit) change the PCID to reflect what "version" is being run and this info gets transmitted to MS at some point in time? I would assume you would want the PCID string to "match". EG: "Pro" if you're running "Pro".

    So what is the fix?.

  8. WeAreNotAlone

    WeAreNotAlone MDL Member

    Aug 31, 2007
    Dual boot between OEM Win8 Core and Win7 possible? HOW ?

    So to recap.,

    For a elderly family member who bought a HP Win8 PC almost a year ago and has been unable to use it as it's running Win8, I'm wanting to set it up so they can Dual-Boot between Win8 and Win7.

    This I'm assuming is a pretty common setup (using retail media), but I'm not finding much info on the web about using the below app, and what happens to the Win8 install after changing the os sku setting.

    I'd appreciate someone taking a few minutes to point me in the right direction.


    I'm in the "advanced menu" section of NBDMIFIT Version 1.1D.

    Q: If I change OS-SKU from (3=Win8 Core) to (2=Win7) which "un-hides" the SLIC marker for Win7, allowing Win7 to activate will this KILL/ DEACTIVATE/ BREAK/ CORRUPT the OEM Win8 install?

    Q: What "Happens" if you set the OS-Sku flag to (2=Win7) instead of (3=Win8) and you boot into Win8?

    (In all the posts I've read so far they say Win7 will activate by doing so, but I haven't run across ANY info stating what happens to the Win8 install when this is done.)

    Can someone PLEASE clarify? Stepmother was asking about her computer today.

    EDIT: KMS activation, is this a big deal to set up? Is it permanent?
    Win8 is currently activated so why is this needed?

  9. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009
  10. Hotman

    Hotman MDL Novice

    Apr 21, 2011
    NBDMIFIT Version 1.1D will help :clap3:
  11. 皆さんこんにちはマギです

    Feb 24, 2011
    im in a similar situation, but by no means am i a GURU.
    but im familiar with KMS.

    KMS is only valid for 180 days, and must be reactivated again.
    Because of this process, many KMS-type activators use a service to activate at every boot, or use Task Scheduler to reactivate automatically in the background at a given time.

    Because of this.. OEM licensing is the way to go.
    Which is what you want if your laptop came with Win8 OEM.

    Back up the OEM activation.
    turn on SLIC 2.1 in BIOS.
    install Win7, activate with OEM.
    then install 8 and copy over the OEM licensing.
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  12. ua1aou

    ua1aou MDL Novice

    Jun 15, 2010
    Hello. I have Lenovo IdeaPad Z710 with Windows 8 SL.
    Please, help me, how I can unlock slic Lenovo CB-01 for Lenovo IdeaPad Z710.
    Any tools in single 4.6 Mb archive don't work.
  13. troyellenburg

    troyellenburg MDL Novice

    Dec 31, 2013
  14. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009
  15. WeAreNotAlone

    WeAreNotAlone MDL Member

    Aug 31, 2007
    Got a Hp lappy with the ? on the F1 key.

    Week or two ago was able to get into advanced options, now when I'm ready to change over from Win8 to Win7 can't get into the advanced menu.

    On basic screen, I press and hold fn, and then F1, then press shift while holding ALL keys down, the type a,d,v, while holding those letters down as well?

    Or should I press FN and F1 simultaneously?, press shift, type in a, d, c, then press enter?

    Or is the trick SHIFT, FN+F1, holding everything down and typing a,d,v one at a time, releasing each key as you go?
    Do you hit "enter" at any time?

    PS: Should caps lock be ON, when you type in the letters ADV?


    BTW: As a warning to others:

    Tip= Take a pic of all the screen options you see, and use the SAVE EEPROM to file before you start pressing keys, and doing the computer version of "twister".

    It is very easy if you're not careful to hit the "enter" button (If you're hitting "enter" after "ADV") and getting into one of the screens you can modify data... and change it. Hitting "Enter" confirms writing whatever data you may have erroneously entered to EEPROM.

    (I accidentally change the serial number, duh.)

    TIP: You may notice if the Advance screen doesn't show, the numbric keys and the "ESC" key won't work.
    "Shift" toggles the numeric keys
    FN toggles "ESC"

    At least on a laptop without a dedicated number pad in which FN toggles between F1 and ?

    EDIT: Pressed FN and F1 at the same time, then Shift, and A,D,V (a, d, v) .... I'm in

    Since I'm in....
    Do you have to change the PCID to reflect which version of Win7 gets installed?

    I able deleting the Eg.cfg or whatever it is called off the Win7 boot media so I can pick the version being installed.

    Ah, see there is a option under Win7/9 configuration to pick version, which probably changes PCID

  16. troyellenburg

    troyellenburg MDL Novice

    Dec 31, 2013

    Sorry for the late reply, but i bought a new hdd and windows 8.x has never been installed on it, how could that be that I'm using 8.x?

    I am trying to activate windows 7 Ultimate, on x64 if you cant tell by the code, not sure what all it tells you.

    Thanks for your time,
  17. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009