Does anyone know how this tool work? is this one really modifies the bios or act as a loader? will the slic go when i format my HDD?
The utility really modifies the BIOS image and will not be erased by HDD reformat.. But like all modern BIOSes, any change only applies after a reboot. The BIOS image unpacks itself from flash memory and moves the image to main memory like a loader. But a loader resides in the hard drive...
ok! thanks for your reply.. i have another question.. if i back up my current bios which has a SLIC,and flash it in another m/b(same model) will that work? will that m/b too contain SLIC 2.1?
Maybe you ought to try it to really prove that the modification resides in the BIOS. Please let us know the result. The Intel BIOS has protections that has kept it from being modded until now.
Yes I checked it by flashing with original bios,still the SLIC remains.. what should i do if i need to remove the SLIC?
Intel DQ965GF working great with Asus slic2.1 also SLP tools. did someone have Dell maker.bin, pukey.bin and sign.bin files? thanks for the great work!!!
Thanks for your report. Here is the list of m/b's in which the tool is reported as working.. guys please check on more m/b's and report please... D201GLY2, D975XBX2, DG31PR, DG33BU,D945GCNL, DP35DP, DX38BT, DG41RQ, DG43NB, DQ43AP, DQ45CB, DH55TC,DQ35JO,DG45ID,DX58SO,DG35EC,DG33FB,D946GZIS,D975XB X,DG45FC,D945PVS,DQ965GF,DP55WG,DG41TX, DP55KG ,DH55HC,DP965LTCK,D945CGLF2,DP55KG,DG45ID,D946GZAB ,DG33TL,DP43TF,DG45SG,DG965RY,DG35EC,DJ57JG,DP965LT,/D945GCLF2D,DQ35JO,D945GNT,D510MO..
I'm getting this error - hope someone can help. Code: C:\oa2intel\win>oa2intel update PUBKEY.BIN marker.bin PKSIGN.BIN OEM Activation 2.0 Utility - X006 Copyright (C) 2004-2007, Intel Corporation Distributed under restricted license. Do not redistribute. INT 15h EF01h failed to return EFI Variable Size -- FAILURE AH = 86h - NOT_SUPPORTED This tool is not authorized to update this BIOS. Motherboard is D850GB Thanks
Is there any chance that this thing may work on IntelĀ® Server Board S3420GPLC? OR any other method to insert slic?
@Opus You already posted in the "Intel mod thread" this tool cannot be used in server boards,you can better use a loader... @orizzle You are using an old m/b,try DOS method..
Trying to update Intel D845HV with the Intel tool in pure dos. I get this error. OEM Activation 2.0 Utility - X006 Copyright (C) 2004-2007, Intel Corporation Distributed under restricted license. Do not redistribute. INT 15h EF01h failed to return EFI Variable Size -- FAILURE AH = 86h - NOT_SUPPORTED This tool is not authorized to update this BIOS. Is there any settings I can change or is the MB to old to update? I have Windows 7 Ultimate activated with an Intel Pro NIC modded with ACER SLIC2.1, but would like to mod the BIOS. Any advice appreciated.