I have Lenovo ThinkServer TD230. Can not find any info to unlock Slic2.3. I tried SLIC_ToolKit_V3.2 to check SLIC Table but it doesn't show anything. Is there anyway I can unlock Slic table or I can insert Slic 2.3 as i want to activate Server2012R2 STD. Thanks in advance
Where can I find the SLIC 2.5 PubKey, Marker File & EncPubKey for Dell? Or can someone provide the details of creating the files from the PE3.BIN?
hey guys, been lookin all over for the newer dell until;s, links on 1st page dead, cant find any that work. i have a E5530 i wanna reset, tryin to ultimatly kill computrace. like it says in the 1st post after u change the asset it restarts and lets u put new after resetting everything., hopefully that also. thanks!
hey guys do you have a bios editor for acer predator ph 315-51? I need to edit my mobo uuid and serial
Hello, does anyone have a copy of the "SLP Marker for older ASUS Notebooks" tool. I've got an X58L that I would like to update to slic 2.1. There is no SLIC table "in the clear" in the BIOS file you can download from Asus but once flashed a _ASUS_Notebook_V2.0 table appears (as expected. since the machine has a Vista OEMAct COA on the bottom). I'm assuming you need to play with this utility to inject/unlock/update the marker, which then doesn't get touched by subsequent bios updates. Thank you
None of the Dell files for changing the service tag are available or working for me :/ Dell bios reset.iso, DDDP, and another iso that contains original Asset Utility 209 (renamed to ASSET.EXE or ASSET.COM, also tried the one on the official website) and even other tools that I've used in bootable DOS with 'asset /s *******' and other commands. Nothing is working with the error "could not change service tag" or that my service tag could not be read. Asset change can be changed fine. I have tried disconnecting the replaceable battery for a period of time, using AC only, disconnecting the CMOS battery, and flashing the BIOS to different versions with a combination of all of the above or by themselves. No pwd or rtc jumper either. Any help is appreciated greatly to change the service tag. Thank you.
Dell Inspiron 5579 2 in 1 (P58F) it also says (P58F001) , you are correct I should've stated the exact model.