Little guide for using the svf patches by @GezoeSloog: Download the en-US source ISO (most are provided by him at his cloud repo). For en-US > all languages, download the desired svf patch and use one of the svf conversion tools. SVFtoSFX_370_x86.exe converts the svf patch to an selfextracting and converting patch, run the converted exe patch next to the source iso and the target iso will be created. Or you can use Batch_Extract_370_x86, unzip the batch,bat and smv.exe next to the svf patch and the source iso, run batch.bat and the target iso will be created.
You now already requested this by private convo, in the svf2iso tool thread and now you're cluttering this thread.
Oh yes, I made the mistake of asking this in wrong thread / OP, but you? You didn't care to reply my PM privately, but didn't miss the chance to point out my mistakes here publicly, great, that's so very nice of you. And I just asked ONCE here, that's not cluttering & by any chance if you know me a bit, I don't spam/clutter. You point it out here & I admitted that as my mistake, so I guess that makes it even now. But you know what, apart from this, I made another mistake as well, & well, am ashamed for that only & assuring you, that won't be happening again.
SVF eXtractor -> #1 FYI: If you try to decode svf file made with smv 3.7 with -compressratio 192 with smv 3.6/earlier will result in error message "file size mismatch". smv 3.6 doesn't support -compressratio 192 Latest smv is highly recommended. For Linux enthousiasts - basic: svf file/source file/smv -> same location Code: <sudo chmod +x "path/smv"> <cd "path_to_smv"> <./smv x "name_of_file.svf" -br .> Note: any improvements and/or inaccurate information please give @LostED feedback
'smv' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. convert.bat
I downloaded the en_windows_10_business_editions_version_1903_x86_dvd_ca4f0f49.iso, and the [hu-hu]_hu_windows_10_business_editions_version_1903_x64_dvd_66227030.svf to the same directory. I run the SVFtoSFX_370_x86.exe and then I run convert.bat. I selected [C] CREATE SVF/ISO and then selected CREATE ISO and then pushed S
@LostED, a more detailed how to for using SFVToSFX_370_x86.exe and Batch_Extract_370_x86: This is how to use @GezoeSloog his SVF patches, using SFVToSFX_370_x86.exe and Batch_Extract_370_x86 (example is with 1903 MVS iso's): SFVToSFX_370_x86.exe: Download: Code: en_windows_10_consumer_editions_version_1903_x64_dvd_b980e68c.iso Download: Code: [xx-XX]_xx_windows_10_consumer_editions_version_1903_x64_dvd_xxxxxxxx.svf Run SVFToSFX_370_x86.exe and run the generated patch, this iso will be generated: Code: xx_windows_10_consumer_editions_version_1903_x64_dvd_xxxxxxxxx.iso If you want the business iso of the same language, download too: Code: [xx-XX]_xx_windows_10_business_editions_version_1903_x64_dvd_xxxxxxxx.svf Run SVFToSFX_370_x86.exe and Run the generated patch, this iso will be generated: Code: xx_windows_10_business_editions_version_1903_x64_dvd_xxxxxxxxx.iso For x86, you have to download their x86 counterparts ===================================================================== Batch_Extract_370_x86: Download: Code: en_windows_10_consumer_editions_version_1903_x64_dvd_b980e68c.iso Download: Code: [xx-XX]_xx_windows_10_consumer_editions_version_1903_x64_dvd_xxxxxxxx.svf Put the "_batch_extract.bat" and "_smv.exe" file from the next to the source iso and svf patch and run "_batch_extract.bat", the consumer iso of the chosen language will now be created. If you want the business iso of the same language too, download: Code: [xx-XX]_xx_windows_10_business_editions_version_1903_x64_dvd_xxxxxxxx.svf Run "_batch_extract.bat" again and now the chosen business iso will be created.