for dll's 3.7 (API) to get info's from svf files int SVFAPI GetSvfMonoPatchInfo(....) -> working for me -> seems OK int SVFAPI GetSvfMonoPatchInfoEx -> working for me -> seems OK int SVFAPI GetSvfMonoPatchInfoEx2 -> Error during dll call - DllCall() [built-in] called with wrong number of args. GetSvfMonoPatchInfoEx2 is as far as i debug total wrong documentet (wrong number of arguments + wrong argument type's) GetSvfMonoPatchInfo...(...) are just wrapping code from other API's the global way is calling SVFAPI DfsOpen(...) SVFAPI ConvertOldDirectoryCommentStorage(...) SVFAPI DfsGetNbDir(...) SVFAPI ReadAllDirInfo(..) -> the result is a Pointer array to the dir info of each version then you can make a loop to get CurDirInfo from each pointer then you must call SVFAPI GetDfsTagBlockFloat(..) -> versions Tag's (eg. VersionsName, VersionsComment, etc and / or SVFAPI GetTag(...) -> file Tag's for the version short code snipset from my AU3 testing script to ;---------- Get all File infos from the current version Code: $i=0; While (($i < $iGetNbFile) And ($iError = $DFS_SUCCESS)) $pTagList = DllStructGetData($tCurDirInfo,'TagFile')+$i*$PTRSIZE ;*(pCurDirInfo->TagFile + i) <-> const DFTAGLIST__ * $tFileInDirInfo = DllStructCreate ($tagFILEINDIRINFO, DllStructGetData($tCurDirInfo,'pFileInDirInfo') + $i) ConsoleWrite(' 1 $tFileInDirInfo : FileName = ' & SVF_GetStringFromPTR(DllStructGetData($tFileInDirInfo,'FileName')) & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite(' 2 $tFileInDirInfo : fDateFilled = ' & DllStructGetData($tFileInDirInfo,'fDateFilled') & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite(' 3 $tFileInDirInfo : dfsTm = ' & DllStructGetPtr($tFileInDirInfo, 'df_msec') & @CRLF) $tTm = 0 If DllStructGetData($tFileInDirInfo,'fDateFilled') Then $tTm = DllStructCreate($tagDFSTM, DllStructGetPtr($tFileInDirInfo, 'df_msec') ) ElseIf SVFAPI_GetTag($pTagList, $DFSTAG_DATE, $pTagBuf, $iTagSize) Then ;ConsoleWrite('$pTagBuf 1 : ' & VarGetType($pTagBuf) & ' ' & $pTagBuf & @CRLF) ;ConsoleWrite('$iTagSize 2 : ' & VarGetType($iTagSize) & ' ' & $iTagSize & @CRLF) $tTm = DllStructCreate($tagDFSTM) SVFAPI_ConvertDfsInfoDateToDfsTm($pTagBuf, $tTm) EndIf If IsDllStruct($tTm) Then ;~ ConsoleWrite('$tTm 1 : df_msec = ' & DllStructGetData($tTm,'df_msec') & @CRLF) ;~ ConsoleWrite('$tTm 2 : df_sec = ' & DllStructGetData($tTm,'df_sec ') & @CRLF) ;~ ConsoleWrite('$tTm 3 : df_min = ' & DllStructGetData($tTm,'df_min') & @CRLF) ;~ ConsoleWrite('$tTm 4 : df_hour = ' & DllStructGetData($tTm,'df_hour') & @CRLF) ;~ ConsoleWrite('$tTm 5 : df_mday = ' & DllStructGetData($tTm,'df_mday') & @CRLF) ;~ ConsoleWrite('$tTm 6 : df_mon = ' & DllStructGetData($tTm,'df_mon') & @CRLF) ;~ ConsoleWrite('$tTm 7 : df_year = ' & DllStructGetData($tTm,'df_year') & @CRLF) ;~ ConsoleWrite('$tTm 8 : df_timezone_bias = ' & DllStructGetData($tTm,'df_timezone_bias') & @CRLF) $tFile = _Date_Time_EncodeFileTime ( _ DllStructGetData($tTm,'df_mon'), DllStructGetData($tTm,'df_mday'), DllStructGetData($tTm,'df_year'), _ DllStructGetData($tTm,'df_hour'), DllStructGetData($tTm,'df_min'), DllStructGetData($tTm,'df_sec '), DllStructGetData($tTm,'df_msec') ) ConsoleWrite(' 3 GetTag DFSTAG : DATE = ' & _Date_Time_FileTimeToStr($tFile,1) & @CRLF) EndIf ConsoleWrite(' 4 $tFileInDirInfo : dfSize = ' & DllStructGetData($tFileInDirInfo,'dfSize') & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite(' 5 $tFileInDirInfo : dfFileEncodedSize = ' & DllStructGetData($tFileInDirInfo,'dfFileEncodedSize') & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite(' 6 $tFileInDirInfo : dfCrc32 = ' & StringRight(Hex(DllStructGetData($tFileInDirInfo,'dfCrc32')),8) & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite(' 7 $tFileInDirInfo : fCrc32Filled = ' & DllStructGetData($tFileInDirInfo,'fCrc32Filled') & @CRLF) If SVFAPI_GetTag($pTagList, $DFSTAG_STORAGESTATUS, $pTagBuf, $iTagSize) Then $t_uLong32Intel = DllStructCreate($tagDFULONG32INTEL, $pTagBuf) If $iTagSize = DllStructGetSize($t_uLong32Intel) Then ;sizeof(dfuLong32Intel)) $iFileIdentical = SVFAPI_ConvertuLongIntelToLong($t_uLong32Intel) ;(*(dfuLong32Intel*)TagBuf); ConsoleWrite(' 8 GetTag DFSTAG : STORAGESTATUS = ' & SVF_GetStringStoragestatusType($iFileIdentical) & @CRLF) EndIf EndIf ConsoleWrite(' 9 $tFileInDirInfo : fMd5Filled = ' & DllStructGetData($tFileInDirInfo,'fMd5Filled') & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite('10 $tFileInDirInfo : bMd5 = ' & Hex(DllStructGetData($tFileInDirInfo,'bMd5') ) & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite('11 $tFileInDirInfo : fSha1Filled = ' & DllStructGetData($tFileInDirInfo,'fSha1Filled') & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite('12 $tFileInDirInfo : bSha1 = ' & Hex(DllStructGetData($tFileInDirInfo,'bSha1') ) & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite('13 $tFileInDirInfo : fSha256Filled = ' & DllStructGetData($tFileInDirInfo,'fSha256Filled') & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite('14 $tFileInDirInfo : bSha256 = ' & Hex(DllStructGetData($tFileInDirInfo,'bSha256') ) & @CRLF) If SVFAPI_GetTag($pTagList, $DFSTAG_FILENAME, $pTagBuf, $iTagSize) Then ConsoleWrite('-- GetTag DFSTAG : FILENAME = ' & SVF_GetStringFromPTR($pTagBuf, $iTagSize) & @CRLF) EndIf If SVFAPI_GetTag($pTagList, $DFSTAG_BASEPATCH, $pTagBuf, $iTagSize) Then ConsoleWrite('-- GetTag DFSTAG : BASEPATCH = ' & $iTagSize & @CRLF) EndIf If SVFAPI_GetTag($pTagList, $DFSTAG_FILEPOSPROPERTIES, $pTagBuf, $iTagSize) Then ConsoleWrite('-- GetTag DFSTAG : FILEPOSPROPERTIES = ' & $iTagSize & @CRLF) EndIf If SVFAPI_GetTag($pTagList, $DFSTAG_CRCINFO, $pTagBuf, $iTagSize) Then ConsoleWrite('-- GetTag DFSTAG : CRCINFO = ' & $iTagSize & @CRLF) EndIf If SVFAPI_GetTag($pTagList, $DFSTAG_PREVIOUSVERSIONINFO, $pTagBuf, $iTagSize) Then ConsoleWrite('-- GetTag DFSTAG : PREVIOUSVERSIONINFO = ' & $iTagSize & @CRLF) EndIf If SVFAPI_GetTag($pTagList, $DFSTAG_NUMBEROFFILEINDIR, $pTagBuf, $iTagSize) Then ConsoleWrite('-- GetTag DFSTAG : NUMBEROFFILEINDIR = ' & $iTagSize & @CRLF) EndIf If SVFAPI_GetTag($pTagList, $DFSTAG_STORAGESTATUS, $pTagBuf, $iTagSize) Then ConsoleWrite('-- GetTag DFSTAG : STORAGESTATUS = ' & DllStructGetData(DllStructCreate('ulong',$pTagBuf),1) & @CRLF) EndIf .... snip WEnd EndIf ConsoleWrite('-------------' & @CRLF) Next after all this you must call SVFAPI FreeAllDirInfo(..) SVFAPI DfsClose(..) etc Thx to my Magic Ball i find out the new 3.7 typedef struct(s) wich include Sha256 i dont puplish my knowlage yet (have no Permission from G. Vollant to do this) first you shoud define wat is the meaning of 'intelligent people in MDL' in my mind it is'nt intelligent (fair).. - steal smv.exe from the autor, pack .svf files + stolen smv.exe -> to a selfextracting RAR and cach likes like some enthousiast MDL Member ( and pretend as if he had found the Philosopher's Stone) - steal smv.exe from the autor, yust to make a second GUI wich only wrap the console code from smv.exe, only to catch likes none of this user have the permisson from G. Vollant to do this !!! non MDL Member wich use this fake software donate the author. !!!! on the contrary, this only leads him up to get angry (pissed of) the author have a homepage with a GUI and a a original console exe each MDL Member should only link to the homepage of G. Vollant and support him by donate or work with him together. scripting (.cmd, bat etc) is ok if you link to the author to get the smv exe but nothing else is accateble without permisson of G. Vollant but on MDL - intelligez - fair usage - insight is hard to find
Added. But new one. Not this frankenstein SVFX with two frankenstein SVFs inside archive. The new one, everything is inside one SVF, including source file. I think, will post tomorrow.
@vanelle The author is member here since 2013 and is online regularly. If he would think that this isn't fair, he would have said something to us. (which I don't think, he got everything we posted)
Hey, is there any proof or way to check if there is no additional programms installed on this windows version? Im a bit paranoid, wouldnt want some day all my accounts beeing hacked.
Brother if you are that much security conscious then why dont you install anti logger which will encrypt each & every keystroke on your machine thus protecting you . On MDL i confirm theres no any crack patch keygen allowed to be posted . kindly have a look at rules of our Community . you can easily contact admins (Staff) if you find any crack or patch / keygen posted & they will deffinately take action against that poster as well as that post. Hence i state that its a Best Safe & Secure Community in this virtual world with lots of ethical knowledge from Experts / Pro's. Learn something & enjoy your stay here
I got en_windows_10_consumer_editions_version_1909_updated_march_2020_x64_dvd_36df0e75.iso [pt-br]_pt_windows_10_consumer_editions_version_1903_updated_march_2020_x64_dvd_2a9b09e4.svf Now Im wonder if I use samrtversion or svfx_v2.1.11 to make my iso Please help
its very difficult i run svfx but the app ask for pt_windows_10_consumer_editions_version_1909_updated_march_2020_x64_dvd_f663ef45.iso I only have en_windows_10_consumer_editions_version_1909_updated_march_2020_x64_dvd_36df0e75.iso and [pt-br]_pt_windows_10_consumer_editions_version_1903_updated_march_2020_x64_dvd_2a9b09e4.svf How can I put it in pt-br Please help
en_consumer_1909.iso + pt_consumer_1909.svf = pt_consumer_1909.iso pt_consumer_1909.iso + pt_consumer_1903.svf = pt_consumer_1903.iso is that clear?
Spoiler: SVF Extractor Script @echo off set OutDir=%~dp0ISO set Smv=%ProgramFiles%\SmartVersion\smv.exe set "title=SVF Extractor" title %title% if not exist "%OutDir%" md "%OutDir%" for %%i in ("%cd%\*.svf") do ( call :_sub "%%~fi" "%cd%" "%OutDir%" ) exit :_sub cd /d %3 "%smv%" x %1 -br %2 -o echo ================================================================================== exit /b
I don't made support of API because I had no feedback Why don't work together about your need and a more easy api?