please try $ smv37 lvc \[el-gr\]_el_windows_10_consumer_editions_version_2004_x86_dvd_94880be2.svf - and post the output - check the hash of the source 4311E7E4A06DA705AA5DFCFF2FF5335EEC306429 *en_windows_10_consumer_editions_version_2004_x86_dvd_fa759348.iso
try also (as posible workaround) !!!! make a backup of en_windows_10_consumer_editions_version_2004_x86_dvd_fa759348.iso before you try this !!!! $ smv37 x \[el-gr\]_el_windows_10_consumer_editions_version_2004_x86_dvd_94880be2.svf -inplacenochecksum -br . Code: Option for extracing (smv x): -extractbystep : classic extracting, write version after version. (default) -inplace : modify existing file(can be dangerous : if computer crashes during modification, file is lost) -inplacenochecksum : like - inplace, but faster : do not verify checksum of file. Only if you are sure! -bymerging : merge successive patch in memory before apply them
$ smv36 lvc ... give the same output it is not required $ smv36 x ... -> 0_byte.iso coz the .svf <- GezoeSlog usual use a 3.6 incompatible compression for his svf's (3.7 CompressionRatio192) for a better idea where the bug is, please try the workaround !!!! make a backup of en_windows_10_consumer_editions_version_2004_x86_dvd_fa759348.iso before you try this !!!! $ smv37 x \[el-gr\]_el_windows_10_consumer_editions_version_2004_x86_dvd_94880be2.svf -inplacenochecksum -br . in case your source iso is valid and have the SHA1 4311E7E4A06DA705AA5DFCFF2FF5335EEC306429 *en_windows_10_consumer_editions_version_2004_x86_dvd_fa759348.iso the bug (compailation bug) in the smv_32bit_linux:exe is probably somewhere inside the DfsOpen(..) code (wich check the hash) i will tak with G. Vollant (current we fix some of such w32 / x64 bugs during the SDK rework) maybe i can send you a fixed smv37_x32linux_test.exe please rename smv37.exe -> smv37_x32linux.exe (this is more helpful for the commandline)
wich File system you use on the 32bit linux sysem (wich produce the error) ? error detected: Bad checksum filename : ./en_windows_10_consumer_editions_version_2004_x86_dvd_fa759348.iso EDIT: please use -inplacenochecksum not --inplacenochecksum
Can someone please explain what's inside a .svf patch: the new files updated in full or just the binary differences between the files ?
Is there a possibility to get the metadata from the file (filenames, hashes from the files inside) via command line without extracting the image?
Code: @echo off for /r %%i in (*.svf) do smv.exe lv "%%~nxi" >> _infos.txt echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- )
BTW: SmartVersion 3.8 (smv.exe) now has an exit code 0 = OK 1 = ERROR you can now add a %ERRORLEVEL% check inside batch
I will download the 2004 isos later... for the third time this month and I will give it a shot. Any links for smv 3.8? Nvm, found them