SmartVersion | Tools + Scripts

Discussion in 'Application Software' started by LostED, Apr 15, 2019.

  1. jim_p

    jim_p MDL Senior Member

    Dec 11, 2013
    #241 jim_p, May 23, 2020
    Last edited: May 23, 2020
  2. vanelle

    vanelle MDL Expert

    Sep 22, 2014
    #242 vanelle, May 23, 2020
    Last edited: May 23, 2020
    use SDK + DLL for Progress

    the progress for the smv.exe (console) is not realy useful (compare with the GUI progress -> looks more like a freece than a progress)
    a progress just slow down the command execution
  3. I will look and try to use the DLL with PowerShell. My progress bar now is the file size from smv.exe lv and then the file size already written. That's how I get the progress these days.
  4. vanelle

    vanelle MDL Expert

    Sep 22, 2014
    #244 vanelle, May 23, 2020
    Last edited: May 23, 2020
    use oune of this
    typedef BOOL(DFSCALLBACK * tSetExtractPosCallBack) (dfuLong32 dwPos,
                                                        dfvoidp dfpAdditionnalInfo,
                                                        dfvoidp dfUserPtr);
    int SVFAPI ApplyMonofilePatchEx2(const char* base,int base_only_dir,
                           const char*patch,const char*dest,
                           ERROR_MOMENT *perr_moment,
                           int* perrinfo,char* errBufTxt,int errBufSize,dfuLong32 dfExtractingMethod,
                           tSetExtractPosCallBack pSetExtractPosCallBack,dfvoidp dfUserPtr,
                           dfuLong32 dwMinProgress,dfuLong32 dwMaxProgress);
    int SVFAPI ApplyMonofilePatchMemoryEx2(const char* base,int base_only_dir,
                           const void*patch_buffer,size_t patch_size,
                           const char*dest,
                           ERROR_MOMENT *perr_moment,
                           int* perrinfo,char* errBufTxt,int errBufSize,dfuLong32 dfExtractingMethod,
                           tSetExtractPosCallBack pSetExtractPosCallBack,dfvoidp dfUserPtr,
                           dfuLong32 dwMinProgress,dfuLong32 dwMaxProgress);
    int SVFAPI ApplyMultiFilePatchEx3(const char* base, int base_only_dir,
                           const char*patch, const char*dest, int onlyMonoFileBase,
                           ERROR_MOMENT *perr_moment,
                           int* perrinfo, char* errBufTxt, int errBufSize, dfuLong32 dfExtractingMethod,
                           dfuLong32 dfBaseVersionSpecified,dfuLong32 dfVersionSpecified,
                           tSetExtractPosCallBack pSetExtractPosCallBack, dfvoidp dfUserPtr,
                           dfuLong32 dwMinProgress, dfuLong32 dwMaxProgress);
    int SVFAPI ApplyMultiFilePatchMemoryEx3(const char* base, int base_only_dir,
                           const void*patch_buffer, size_t patch_size, const char*dest, int onlyMonoFileBase,
                           ERROR_MOMENT *perr_moment,
                           int* perrinfo, char* errBufTxt, int errBufSize, dfuLong32 dfExtractingMethod,
                           dfuLong32 dfBaseVersionSpecified, dfuLong32 dfVersionSpecified,
                           tSetExtractPosCallBack pSetExtractPosCallBack, dfvoidp dfUserPtr,
                           dfuLong32 dwMinProgress, dfuLong32 dwMaxProgress);
    they have CallBack (tSetExtractPosCallBack + dfvoidp dfUserPtr (in case you want more user-infos)
    usual set dfvoidp dfUserPtr = NULL
    tSetExtractPosCallBack pSetExtractPosCallBack,dfvoidp dfUserPtr,
    but you must fist create (register) the CallBack function and then apply the pointer to the to the SVFAPI
    you must also set
    dfuLong32 dwMinProgress,dfuLong32 dwMaxProgress

    if you have problems send me PM (dont discuss this here - just blow up the Tread)
  5. gvollant

    gvollant MDL Novice

    Sep 23, 2013
    If you want uses the DLL, you can email me or contact on skype, google hangout or other channel

    Note : I'm surprised people uses 32 bits version. I suppose this is more for linux than windows (we can reuse very old computer to create good linux 32 bits servers).
  6. gvollant

    gvollant MDL Novice

    Sep 23, 2013
    My first shareware, WinImage was used by a lot of people to copy 1.7 MB 'DMF' Windows 95 floppy
    My other software SmartVersion is used to store Microsoft ISO here :)

    SmartVersion can also be useful for storing difference between Virtual Machine.
    Two Windows 10 (same edition) virtual machine, or two Linux (same distribution) Virtual Machine share a lot of thing.
    So create a svf between two VM (inclusing VM from different virtualized) can be useful.

    Create a patch between two 20 GB file can take time. We need SSD, a lot of memory, and uses high -nbhashbits value (27 by example) and probably -minalign (by example 16 or 256)
  7. gvollant

    gvollant MDL Novice

    Sep 23, 2013
    Do you need, here, smv on other OS than Windows and Linux, x86-32 and x86-64 ?
  8. GezoeSloog

    GezoeSloog knows a guy, who knows another guy.

    Feb 10, 2012
    what's that? :confused:
  9. vanelle

    vanelle MDL Expert

    Sep 22, 2014
    [-minalign #] : select the minimal alignement of data. Default 1
    useful for virtual machine :
    if minalign 16 is selected, we expect location of a block in old and new version are aligned on 16 bytes bondiaries
    creating patch can be faster
    but there is risk bigger patch if we don't detect a block to copy
    on a virtual machine image, we can imagine block are often aligned on clister size, so minalign 256 can be tested
    do you understand ?

    is more for paches from big source / taged like a vm file (eg 50GB)
  10. GezoeSloog

    GezoeSloog knows a guy, who knows another guy.

    Feb 10, 2012
    I understand that it's not related to ISO files ;)
  11. vanelle

    vanelle MDL Expert

    Sep 22, 2014
    #251 vanelle, May 24, 2020
    Last edited: May 24, 2020
  12. GezoeSloog

    GezoeSloog knows a guy, who knows another guy.

    Feb 10, 2012
  13. gvollant

    gvollant MDL Novice

    Sep 23, 2013
    -minalign give very bad result on Microsoft ISO : Wim are not aligned.

    But I had two vhdx : two virtual Machine of Windows 10 edition 2004 (in fast, two older edition, upgraded to 2004, then cleanmgr under administrative mode, then sdelete -z to clean all unused file and old version)

    test under win10 on a 32 GB memory system
    source VHDX size is 21 GB
    target VHDX size is 17 GB (less software installed)

    First, I used buildpatch with
    smv buildpatch patch128.svf source.vhdx target.vhdx -compressratio 128 -minalign 256 -nbhashbits 27
    It generate a 1.7 GB svf file.
    compressratio 128 generate svf with chuck compressed using LZ4 (you can also use 160, uncompressed, but I prefer 128 which uses very very fast LZ4)
    It take only 5 minutes !

    Without -minalign and -nbhashbits you need far more time

    I can then convert to a 1.3 GB Svf in 90 seconds (zstd 179) or 1.2 GV in 10 minutes (zstd 192):
    smv m patch128.svf patch179.svf -recompress -compressratio 179
    smv m patch128.svf patch192.svf -recompress -compressratio 192

    These two conversion/recompress read only patch128.svf and don't need the original vhdx.

    I think storing a lot of Windows 10 virtual machine with different configuration, different virtualizer with only 1 or 2 GB svf file can be useful
  14. @gvollant which range of values is valid for -nbhashbits?
  15. vanelle

    vanelle MDL Expert

    Sep 22, 2014
    feedback from G Vollant

    so this only speed up the patch creation a little bit but more memory used
    tested 24 and 28 = in most case exact the same svf created
  16. thenokiottos

    thenokiottos MDL Novice

    Aug 14, 2011
    Link is dead, anyone got a backup for the SVF>ISO tutorial?
  17. thenokiottos

    thenokiottos MDL Novice

    Aug 14, 2011
    I don't think it's the same, the other guide started from only svf files and instructed how to create consumer/business isos, this one starts from a svf file and a iso.
  18. tigercheng

    tigercheng MDL Member

    May 4, 2015
    You need a base iso + svf to get your desired iso for example:-

    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...