@Sajjo I don't believe that smv64 will work in case when smv32 fails. And since -192 extracts normally even on 32bitOS, I will use it instead of -522.
Hi @GezoeSloog I hope you don't mind but I have a question about your SVF Extractor, any particular reason that on a x64 OS it uses smv.exe 32bits? Thanks.
I am having exactly the same problem. Oddly enough, version 2.1.15 does work on another PC running within a virtual machine. There's some compatability issue between 2.1.15 and my PC but cannot work it out. Please could the developer take a look? Thank you.
@MrZeb SMV x64 is not mandatory for x64 OS. But for compatibility on x86 OS, SMV x86 is a better choice. @Outcast @boydf Yes, v2.1.15 seems a little buggy but if you drop svf file on svfx it will work - both on x86 and x64. Granted that svf file is not compressed with latest ZSTD. This is not compatible with x86 OS. v2.1.14 use same binaries and a little less "buggy" than v2.1.15 Not sure about differences between 2.1.14 and 2.1.15 - was not aware of the latest update.
Never really timed it to see if there is a difference regarding decoding. But a generous amount of RAM in total will benefit anyway, 8 GB or more. And a SSD. Anyway, it would not be a point if compatibility is of concern. That said, latest SMV can produce smaller svf files but then again you would need a x64 OS.
Hi @GezoeSloog Here is the files from tmp folder (all i got) Normally, only smv.exe is presented but i get a few more files files with v2.1.15 (smv.exe is not included in compressed file) No log file presented - in tmp folder or side-by-side svfx.exe (v2.1.15) I tested uploaded file with same result. svfx.exe was executed from a usb disk and from system disk With and without a svf file present(side-by-side) OS: Win 7 x64(not virtual) Behaviour seems to be similar to what Bau posted(last year?) fyi: No issues at all with v2.1.14
Executed from desktop. No svf files present(side-by-side) - no log file recorded. This is the softpedia svfx.exe BTW Path partially enlisted is from a different partition. Why svfx list this -
Yup, no log file is being generated when using v2.1.15 (both Softpedia and cloud.mail.ru copies). Also when choosing a SVF folder, it says "No SVFs found" despite there are SVF files in the folder itself.
Uhm, maybe a stupid question, but I have Smartversion 3.82 and I have homebrew1.iso and homebrew2.iso and official iso. I would like to make a svf file that will store changes from source official iso to resulting homebrew.iso's and make a exe file that simply apply both changes to any official iso. I'm a bit dumb, and do not understand how to do that. I did read the guide but it is still unclear to me. Can anyone guide me through the process?
@Gorstak script by GezoeSloog put batch.bat & smv.exe on same folder Spoiler: batch.bat Code: @echo off set smv=smv.exe set OutDir=.\__SVF if not exist "%OutDir%" md "%OutDir%" call :_sub1 official iso homebrew2.iso call :_sub1 official iso homebrew1.iso exit :_sub1 time /t set svf=%OutDir%\%~n1_to_%~n2.svf "%smv%" cr "%svf%" -c MDL "%~1" -sha1 -sha256 echo. "%smv%" i "%svf%" -c MDL "%~2" -rf "%~nx1" "%~nx2" -sha1 -sha256 -br "%~dp1" -nbhashbits 24 -compressratio 192 echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- time /t exit /b pause