Thanks to the author @redroad for this tutorial. What is the command line to add the target to the source? Thank you I'm only asking because it's not in the guide and I can't answer that thread. So it can be useful to eventually integrate it.
I meant this: smartvs400_x64.exe: smartvs.exe 2 781 040 06.01.2023 03:59 smv.exe 1 376 112 06.01.2023 03:59 smartvs.exe 2 787 184 06.01.2023 04:00 smv.exe 1 377 648 06.01.2023 04:00 Those exe vs zip files are not the same. Why?
Thanks but only smartvs400_x64.exe is updated smartvs400_x86.exe has the same issue (files are not the same with