You can make a example? I have two W10 iso, x86 and x64, i wanna make a .svf x64 file pointing to x86 iso.
That means something wrong... All files (smv, *.svf and source file) are correct and know where to find each other/same location? Could you show complete path and a screenshot of error? First, could you try an older version of smv (try -compressratio 192), if you can replicate the same error then either path issues or lack of permissions may be an issue. Btw: did you forget the syntax end "."? Code: -br . Yes, add "."
You are the best! Sorry for my inattention! And now, i will make a various .svf files poiting to a base .iso file or others .svf created, using the maximum compressratio, i change the parameter -compressratio 192 for 492 only?
Excellent Yeah, -compressratio 492 is supported with latest version. You can always experiment with -nbhashbits 24 as well (i think this is the best value thoe) A member produced impressive small svf's using no compression and after compressed with 7zip (and some Sorcery) A bit to advanced for me thoe. Any time and thank's goes to creator @gvollant for making SmartVersion.
We experienced a case back in July with a (assuming) legacy *.nix producing a way beyond expexted svf patch. Never caught the issue for this case but we managed to solve it. If you experience a wild size or a never ending patch creation, try syntax Code: ./smv cr diff.iso.svf source.iso -sha1 -nomd5 -sha256 ./smv i diff.iso.svf diff.iso -rf source.iso diff.iso -br . -memtmpsize 2048 -blocksize 256 -minalign 512 -compressratio 522 -sha1 -nomd5 -sha256 Rebuild from a source and svf to final image is not an issue btw. Preferably, update your hw and/ or *.nix (we don't know explisit why this happend in the first case)
Hey, @Enthousiast , this is kind of an odd request, but I seem to remember a few years back that we had a svf to sfx script that would automate these self-extracting exe iso patches. Do you still happen to have that? My hard drive that I had all those goodies died a long time ago and I was never the guy who made that particular automated tool.